EZ Saliva-II™

The EZ Saliva-II is the only split-sample saliva-based drug test; which means it provides both an instant screen and a lab confirmation while only requiring one collection. Enables officers to do drug testing road-side affordably, saving both time and money while enhancing the effectiveness of drug arrests.

On-the-spot Results within 10 Minutes.

Train Officers within 45 minutes.

Legally Defensible for evidentiary saliva drug testing


Eliminates need for PBT alcohol screening and other drug evidentiary chemical tests

Test roadside at the point of arrest and obtain accurate alcohol and drug test results in roughly 5 minutes Collect samples closer to the time of intoxication No more wasted hours of driving and waiting in hospitals for blood draws- all while the drugs are being metabolized and lost in the suspects system No more watching people urinate in cups Non-invasive, comfortable collection

The science is behind Saliva:

Two tests in one collection for both reasonable suspicion confirmation and evidentiary testing

No batteries, charging, or special case No calibrating or testifying in court about calibrating Disposable after negative test, easily checked in for evidence after positive results

SAMHSA and DOT both announced a change towards saliva-based drug testing for all Federal employees, contractors, truck drivers, etc. Numerous studies now show that saliva is just as good, if not better, than blood for drug detection depending on the drugs Third-party lab studies have proven our method to be the most accurate in all saliva testing

Screen results up to 27 drugs + alcohol in 5 minutes Built in locks and software for chain-of-custody Mail to a forensic lab for evidentiary testing Receive a full 96-analyte drug report in 4 days

Advantages of Saliva over other methods:


Largest OF Screen Panels:

What’s the shelf life? 18 months What does the lab test for? Current third-party labs will run a 75-96 drug analyte confimatory panel to be used for evidentiary purposes Can I use my state crime lab to run the confirmatory test? Please contact us directly for state-specific information How do I get my results? With our proprietary software, you will have access to the results via the portal, email, and text message if desired. How long does it take to get my lab results? Private labs give the results within 4-day. The state crime labs will have their own timeframes depending on the state.

14-panel: AMP, BZO, COC, FEN, MDMA, MET, OPI, K2 Spice, THC 4ng (Parent), K3 Spice, LSD, EDDP, 6MAM, ALC 28-Panel: AMP, BZO, COC 10ng (Parent), FEN, MDMA, MET, OPI, K2 Spice, K3 Spice, LSD, EDDP, 6MAM, PCP, KET 50ng, OXY, BAR, MDPV, PGB, PPX, BUP, Diazepan, MQL, MTD, THC 4ng (Parent), THC 30ng (Parent), THC 12ng (Metabolite), THC 25ng (Metabolite), ALC


  1. Secure and Tamper-Proof Automatic Locking: Locks immediately after sample collection to prevent tampering, guaranteeing sample integrity. Digital Chain-of-Custody: Tracks every step digitally, providing a verifiable audit trail for confidence. 3. Accurate and Reliable Results Dual Testing Methods: Supports both screening and lab confirmation for reliable results. Proven Accuracy: Backed by studies from highly accredited labs, ensuring trust in every result. 4. Certified and Verified Collection Officer Training: Only certified officers handle collections to ensure consistency and strict adherence to protocols. Signed Integrity: Officers sign off on each test, verifying proper procedures were followed. 5. On-the-Spot Timing Immediate Sampling: Saliva is collected at the time of arrest, reflecting the driver’s condition more accurately.

When accuracy and legal defensibility matter, the EZ Saliva II delivers. Here’s why it’s quickly becoming the trusted choice for drug testing for court use:

  1. Fast and Error-Free Collection 90-Second Process: Quick and simple sample collection minimizes errors and saves time, ensuring a non-debatable collection.
  2. Federal Saliva Acceptance Nationwide Adoption: Saliva testing is federally approved and trusted across industries, starting a new wave of toxicology testing.
  3. Proven Stability 14-Day Durability: Samples retain drug recovery rates for up to 14 days at room temperature, avoiding refrigeration needs.

Web-based Software included

Track the Chain-of-Custody in seconds Result preliminary tests on the spot Geo-locate positive results for analysis

Officer signs off on proper collections for court testimony Submits test to the lab for evidentiary testing Lab results are sent to the department via the portal, email, and/or text

Track Drug Test Analytics for the entire department Heat maps to track drugs in the county/state Track drug trends, Fentanyl positives, etc.

Process, yes, yeah,

okay, so

where’s my share button now?

Okay, well, I’m just gonna do it like this. So the thing that I’m absolutely shocked about when I do this

is how little people actually know about drug testing.

Okay, everyone says, drug test, and everyone thinks it’s the same thing when it’s not. And so even with prosecuting attorneys, with judges, when they say, Well, look at the lab results, people don’t know what they’re looking at. And I have done this presentation in multiple states and with attorneys, and it’s amazing, literally amazing, how little they know. When people say drug tests, they just think, oh, drug test, this is the results, but they don’t know, oh, is this a point of care, or is this a confirmation? Or they just say drug test, and they think that’s what it means. But what happens in court is it’s just dissected into all these different little things like, Oh, it wasn’t 45 degrees when you took the temperature, therefore the lab should be thrown out. Okay, by the way, you throw a quarter in meat. I go for hours on this stuff, so I’ll keep it super condensed, by the way. Okay, but here’s what I do. Okay, when I met Nate, oral testing was the furthest from my list, because it gets destroyed in court. Okay, that’s literally how significant the easy saliva is, is it changes everything. So what I’m going to do is, I’m just going to go over what the existing world knows. Because when you’re talking to labs, this is their world. We’re introducing, literally, the combustion engine to the lab world. Because right now, they’re the court, they’re the carton buggy. By the way, I’ve never said that before, so hope that kind of made sense. But when, when I’m Why can’t I go through my thing?

Click on the presentation the bottom right, you have to be at on your actual window, not in the oh, I need to go to my actual window. Okay, can you guys see this? Then? Yes, okay, that makes sense. Then the files are in the computer. Yes, the files are in the computer. So when, whenever I talk about drug testing, there’s two things that I’m trying to get people to understand, like, who, who am I talking to? People are looking at drug testing as either pass, fail, or in the medical world, they’re using drug testing as compliance, non compliant. Are you actually taking the medication? Are you not taking that’s why they drug test. You got to know who you’re talking to, when, when we’re talking to labs. They’re, this is their world that they’re they’re dealing with on a daily basis. Okay? This is the current world of drug testing, and I compare them to pregnancy tests, okay, point of care or instant retest. The entire world uses these. These tests are right around three, four bucks to do. They have a panel of anywheres like sometimes five, sometimes 14. But basically it’s, this is the lateral flow, the same as our easy saliva. It goes across, it has a chemical reaction, positive or negative. I compare them to pregnancy tests. If anybody has kids, you know that you don’t start making plans based on a pregnancy test. You go and get blood drawn that tells you you have the specific hormone that says you’re pregnant or not. That’s what an analyzer is or a screen. Most doctors, doctors offices have these machines. They’re called analyzers. Okay, the third level of testing is called a confirmation test. I compare it to an ultrasound. All of the detail that you get from an ultrasound is what a confirmation says. This is the specific drug, specific amount. It’s not Wellbutrin testing positive for meth. There’s no cross react. This is, it identifies the molecular weight of the drug. Okay, that’s the problem right now, is this is what’s readily available, but this is what everyone wants. Everyone wants immediate results right here, right in front of the person. But these aren’t trusted, just so you know, point of care cups literally say in that, in the insert, not for medical use, not to make medical decisions off this because they’re inaccurate.

And by the way, a white Monster energy drink will test positive for all kinds of shit on this test. And I’ve done it in presentations where I’ve literally poured a white monster into a point of care cup, and it’s tested positive for THC, different ones have been morphine, PCP, alcohol. The tested positive one time in them because it’s a chemical reaction. But you got to remember, if you drink a white monster, eventually it comes out. That’s why these are so inaccurate. Okay, same thing as this, the analyzer. What’s nice about an analyzer or screen? Can you guys still see this?

No, we’re not. We’re still seeing the urine drug testing, 101,

the hell. Why isn’t it going through? I should give this to Nate to run through, and I’ll commentary on it. Seriously, you’re not seeing.

Us. Well, you’re you’re still presenting, but when you share, did you click on entire screen? Thought I did.

Let me see, yeah, sometimes Google meets is weird because it you have to set it up to share the whole window, versus just one screen of the window. Sometimes I

I guess Google meets.


so go back. So look, instead of doing all this, I’ll just, I’ll just kind of explain it to you, okay,

and then I’ll learn how to do this for next time. So somebody show me how to do this. Well, you’re good. Let’s try it real quick. Go back to presenting that where you were. So present now on the bottom of the screen, and then just click on there’s tabs, and then there’s window, and then there’s entire screen. Oh, okay, Click on Window and then do the PowerPoint. And that should get it better.

That’s what I had last time. But I can’t scroll through the I think you should do it. You’re in the Google meet window right now, so you need to be in whichever window this presentation is in. You can’t be looking at us while you’re trying to scroll through your slides. So is the slide changing right now, yes, yeah, yeah. Now it is, yeah. Okay. So if I go to present, are you seeing urine drug? 101, No, he doesn’t stop. You’ll have to reshare it basically, yeah, this is so stupid, but we can. We can just do it like I like. It works great. We can still see it really wrong.

So right now, are you seeing my urine drug testing screen? Yes, yeah. Did it change? Yeah, okay, good. So I’ll just stick with this one. Then, okay, so this is where I was talking about. There’s three different types of tests, the rapid one, guys. This is what everyone wants, okay, but it’s inaccurate. So they want, they need to have the lab confirmations. These take anywhere from if you have a really good lab, two or three days sometimes, like we’ve been talking state crime labs take six months to get results. That’s why everyone’s screaming for rapid tests.

Pointed care cup they they’re rapid, but they’re inaccurate. Just so you guys know, these are about 40% accurate, 40 to 60% accurate,

blood work or screens. This is what we’re always talking about with law enforcement. They work, but again, it’s identifying a class of drug. It’s not identifying an individual drug. So if I’m taking Xanax, this will test positive for a benzo. But if I’m prescribed Xanax and I’m taking alprazolam, this just says benzo. It doesn’t nail down which drug it is.

A confirmation, then what a confirmation does. This is why I compare it to

an ultrasound. It tells you exactly what drug it exact. It tells you exactly how much there is. There’s no cross reaction. The only reason that these are problems in courts is the chain of custody, where they’re saying, oh, was the sample frozen, or was it refrigerated in time? Did it break down? Because they’re trying to get out of the information that these labs show.

What starts to happen in the lab world is this, and this is what I try and teach judges and attorney to everybody. Try and teach them like guys, to know what, which one you’re talking about. Because a point of care cup is a subjective reading. It’s my interpretation of that. Reading is that one line, is that two lines? Is that a faint line? You know, it’s, it’s, you have to interpret this thing. But then it goes to a lab for an analyzer, which gives you an objective reading. It tells you you have a benzo or you have an opioid present. But there are a lot of false positives with this, because different medications have different chemical reactions. This is a chemical reaction, okay, that’s why sometimes the medication well, but turn will test positive for methamphetamine. They’re not super accurate. When you come down to the last one, which is the confirmation on it. It’s called an LC ms or GCMs. I compare it to an ultrasound. This tells you exactly what’s there by the molecular weight.

That’s why this is the gold standard in drug testing. Okay, the problem, though, is was it collected appropriately? And that’s what the number one argument in court is, which is, again, why our products solves all these problems. Now, when I talk about drug testing, the three biggest things that I talk about, and again for everybody on this zoom. If there’s ever questions with labs, call me about it. Okay, I’ll, I’ll help out with that. But there’s three things that I always go over with, with labs, with doctors, with therapists, anybody, when they have a question about a lab. Number one, is it real? Okay? Number two, are the prescribed meds present? Or what else?

Is present. This is what the labs are trying to solve for the industry right now. This is something that I do right now, that I teach labs what to do. Does the history match? We’re going to be adding this to PC and T

the reason I’m talking about this is because validity isn’t real. Do you guys have any idea how easy it is to cheat a drug test, like

if you ever looked at it. I mean, I’m not saying anyone here on the call has when we started doing employee testing, but how easy it is to cheat a drug test. When I gave this last presentation, I did it to a bunch of Ags and defense attorneys down to St, George, Utah, and on May 6, when I was prepping this, there were 24 million websites that I Googled just how to cheat a drug test, 24 million sites that are available to teach people how to cheat drug tests and just so you guys know, this is a product You can buy on Amazon.

It’s now a $4 billion company. Three years ago, they were barely alive. Now you can buy this. It’s perfectly balanced for urine drug testing to pass a drug test.


These products right now are sold everywhere, regardless of where you are. I encourage you to go to a vape store and just, just so you get to know the industry, with the lab industry. Okay, if you act nervous, don’t, don’t look like me, because I guess I look like an undercover cop. But go in Act nervous and just say, Hey, I gotta pass the drug test. What do you got? And they will sell you something to pass a drug test. These are called detox drinks, the one in red. I actually bought that in Oklahoma City because I was at a conference and I was telling everybody how easy it is to cheat a test. No one believed me. So I went to three different vape stores to buy a detox drink.

Nobody would sell one to me because they said their barcode system was down.

So I went to three different stores. All three of them said that their barcode system was down. So I went to a GNC and I bought this red drink. According to the sales guy, this is the number one selling product in the store, $75

the way that these work is you drink them, you fill them with water, drink them again, and you go to the bathroom. After you go to the bathroom, you have what’s called a clear detection window where you will pass any test.

People are literally high on heroin and meth, even fentanyl, and will pass drug tests with this because what it does is it just nukes your kidneys and you dump everything. Crazy thing about it, though, is your kidneys eventually catch up the testing world, the drug testing world, is getting crushed by these products. That’s why there’s such a heavy move to oral, because you can’t use these products for oral.

This is actually a product that’s out there that labs are starting to use, that can identify real urine and fake urine. But again, it needs to be done in the lab. It’s a specialty product. Your lab has to be calibrated for it. But this is an actual sample where you see how it’s a red dot. This company has a red X red something. But what happens is it can identify if it’s real urine or not. What’s interesting about this test is, you can see, can you guys still see this test?

Yeah, okay, good. So on this, remember, this is all urine, because urine is what is out there right now. Again, when you’re talking to labs, they’re, they’re a urine laboratory or laboratory, but down here in their history, can you see how they’ve always had a red, red, red. This person’s been cheating five times in a row now,

so what this therapist did is, or this is actually parole officer in Anchorage, Alaska, he called me about it, and he said, Hey, we know this person’s cheating. They’re acting weird. What do we do? So I talked to that parole officer, and basically we had them wait two hours before they tested again.

Now, if you can see, according to the the results of the lab, no medications were detected,

but we know that was fake urine. Okay,

this next slide is the same person two hours later. Now it’s green because we know that it’s real urine, because all these products have worked out of their system, but they now are positive for cocaine, THC and methamphetamine that these products mask.

So when you talk about, is it real labs right now are dealing with this problem. Their clients are constantly asking them, how do you detect fake urine? How are you trying? How do we know that the sample we’re giving you is actually going to be identified as real or fake? And it is the number one problem labs are dealing with right now.

So when we talk about the next thing that I look at, number one, is it real? Number two, are prescribed medications present? I’m going to skip over a lot of this.

Because we we won’t be doing this. This is what the labs will be doing, whatever every lab, just so you know, a lab has a thing called a validation which they are looking for different drugs. Not all labs are the same. Some labs will look like western slopes has 96 metabolites that they’re looking for. Other labs might have 125

or 50 or what it’s like their own chili recipe. Everyone’s different, but based on what they are collecting, we’ll be able to know what’s present or what’s not present, and then we’ll go through and teach them how to use them. So I’m not really going to step into the second thing that I look for, but this is what we’re what just so you know the world you’re about to get into, because you’re going to get asked a lot of questions. Lot of questions on metabolism and and metabolism breakdown, but, but this is my, my little standing joke that I have right now.

This is what the LCM so when we click the easy saliva two, we get the rapid result, but then that little amount on the second swab at sense of the lab, the machines that that sample will go on are literally looking for the molecular weight of drugs. So if somebody’s prescribed Suboxone, these LCMS machines will literally identify the molecular weight of every hydrogen, every carbon, every nitrous, and they’ll be nitrogen, and they’ll be able to weigh the molecule and say, Absolutely, this is Suboxone. That’s how these machines work.

The cool thing about these also, though, is when you look at it, we can turn around and we can say, hey, if this equals I don’t know if you guys have kids, but Legos, this is where it gets fun, with labs and doctors and everything.

If I was to compare suboxone to the Death Star, this thing has, I think, 12,000 pieces to it, right?

That, if that is that the way metabolism works in your body, is this the Death Star. You can your body, your liver will break it down, and it can turn into that and that your liver. Once it hits your liver again, it will turn into smaller pieces. It gets smaller and smaller and smaller the way medications work. So when we swap somebody, it says opioid. It goes to the lab and it says, this is hydrocodone. We know it’s hydrocodone, so hydrocodone will turn into nor hydrocodone. Which will you know? Boom, boom, boom, what does not happen? Which? It’s funny. I was reading websites like crazy on how to beat oral drug tests, and what they say does not match what the human body does. So when we educate more and more of our clients of how labs work. This becomes more and more of an indefensible tool. You cannot take one Lego and build this Lego.

Does that make sense? You can’t say I’m taking hydrocodone and it turned into fentanyl. Or you can’t say I’m taking Wellbutrin and that’s why I have methamphetamine. What’s worse than that is when somebody says I was on because this happens in court a lot. I was on a bus and a guy sneezed, and when he sneezed, the bus driver stopped and my head hit the pole that that guy sneezed on, and because my mouth was open, that it got in my mouth. And that’s why I have methamphetamine.

That looks like this.

You can’t take this and build this, okay? And when we are collecting these samples for a lab, we’re able to ensure that they’re actually looking at what they’re looking at, instead of the stories. And you guys, the stories that people say in drug testing is, is, I should write a book about it, okay, but when we talk about what is prescribed, what’s interesting about what we have versus what everybody else has, is when you do a urine drug test, you’re now getting the sample. These are in the slides that Nate shows that they’re called detection windows. If I look at this right here and I say, sertraline, this is an antidepressant, the detection window is one to four days. So did they take it that day? Or did they take it four days ago?

There are tons of problems in the lab world pinpointing this stuff, because no one knows when they actually took it. They also don’t know is this a normal level, or is this a level they took a while ago versus what’s in their system right now? Okay, does the history match? This is something that we’re going to be adding to PC and T to start showing the people that are using our product more analytics, so they can see trends in what’s going on? Basically, you can start to see somebody right here is playing around their buprenorphine. They’re taking it at different times, different levels, and it’s showing up at different levels in their system. So the way that we’re able to collect the sample allows the labs that we will be working with to have way more accurate information for them to be.

Lab. So there’s, there’s a lot of differentiations between what’s going on now versus what did I take a few days ago, or this. This just allows the lab to actually be better with this device. So I’m kind of skipping over a lot of these things, but here are the frequently asked questions that I get all the time. Okay, methamphetamine. You guys know that there’s different kinds of methamphetamine out there, legal and illegal. Methamphetamine,

it’s what officers are trying to figure out all the time. But methamphetamine, here’s here’s what happens when someone takes methamphetamine, it metabolizes it into amphetamine.

That amphetamine, okay, does not get built up in the liver into methamphetamine. It go only goes one direction. Livers only work in one direction. However, methamphetamine, there’s two types of methamphetamines, and we’ll be working with the lab, the different labs that we work with, to make sure that they have all these tests in place so that when we collect it. We’re getting as much information as possible. But there’s a thing called a D or an L isomer. Okay, this is actually isolating which kind of methamphetamine it is. A D isomer is street meth.

An L isomer is legal methamphetamine. Again, this is something we can’t do at PC and T, but the labs that we work with, when they send it off to the lab, like, if somebody does an employer employee test and methamphetamine test positive, it’s one of these two meths. It’s either D or L isomer. If it says D, I remember danger of street meth, okay, but you guys, there’s also a thing called L isomer methamphetamine.

I bought these at Walgreens. I don’t know if you can zoom your screen in a little bit, but there’s two kinds of methamphetamine. There’s two kinds of these inhalers. There’s a medicated and a non medicated. The non medicated just have menthol in them.

The medicated ones have leva methamphetamine in them,

this will test positive. It’s a nasal inhaler, this will test positive for meth, including our tests, this will test positive for meth.

So people get fired over these all the time when they don’t know what they’re actually doing. So when our test tests positive for meth, and it’s sent off to the lab, the confirmation will come back that it’s L isomer methamphetamine. That’s how detailed confirmation testing can be.

Okay? Another question I get all the time is alcohol,

when we test what we do is we’re identifying is alcohol currently circulating in their system, on a roadside test, employer test, anybody can use our test identify is alcohol actually in their system? Remember how I told you that there are three types of tests, the point of care, the screen and the confirmation any kind of alcohol on a urine test will test positive for alcohol,

meaning, when an alcohol is positive on a point of care cup, on a urine point of care cup, it could actually be consumed alcohol. It could be a bladder infection. It could be a yeast infection.

It could also be somebody with raging diabetes that’s out of control diabetes, like keto acidosis. It could also be somebody that accidentally spit their mouth washing their urine, and that’s why it’s positive. Okay, last one was a joke, by the way. So just you guys know, people usually don’t spit mouthwash in their urine unless they’re trying to cheat, but I do know some people, when they get pulled over for for drug testing on the roadside. When they are drunk, they will literally swig mouthwash so that they don’t offend the officer with bad breath.

But what happens then is, when you send it to the lab again, we’re the collection device, the lab will come back and they can identify the difference between consumed alcohol, and positive alcohol, meaning this alcohol went through the liver. So when we say on the easy saliva that alcohol is present, that means alcohol is in their saliva, this went through their liver. Okay, so it’s an interesting way of looking at things. False positives are something that happened all the time with labs. It’s also one of the reasons that people don’t trust labs. When I say false positives, I don’t know if you guys have ever heard this before. It’s on the news all the time, where people said, I don’t take that drug. The lab said it’s it’s a false positive. I want another lab to confirm it.

What this is basically is this is saying it’s positive, but then the second level of testing negates the first, or the third level of testing negates the second and the first. It’s called a false positive. It’s one of the questions I asked Dr girgas. Luckily Nate trusted me enough to just do.

Real Dr girgis with a lot of questions before I really jumped on board. One of the nice things about what the easy saliva is. You ever you guys remember how Nate always talks about the solution that these are pre soaked in.

That solution is what buffers and actually cleans the drugs, so that when it does go through the easy saliva, we’re getting a clean sample in the test. We’re not getting all the other nasties. We’re not getting cross reactions. And that’s why this objective test that labs are currently doing our easy saliva literally is this level of testing

with an accurate amount or with an accurate result, that solution is literally what gives us a clean test. So when people disregard these because they know that they’re not accurate, we will literally be able to say ours are accurate, and they give you the point of care. So the false positives is actually, again, fixed with easy saliva too. This is something labs do not have right now, and it’s really hard for them because they’re constantly getting phone calls from doctors saying, why does this test say this? But your test says this and it’s it will be nice for them to not have to deal with that anymore by using Easy saliva.


this is something Mike trying to just join. Do you want to mention that part again real quick?

And it’ll be good for everyone to hear it again, the false positives. Yeah, go over the false positives, and then what our test does. So when I, when I poured the white monster into a point of care. Cup, whatever’s in the white monster is having a chemical reaction to those strips. That’s why some are positive, some are negative. I can take four different cups, pour the same monster into all four and get different readings, because, again, remember, it’s chemical reaction. But if I drink that monster and I pee in four different cups, I’m going to get four different results.

It’s absolutely insane that this is the standard right now. This is the standard for drug testing. But then what happens is, because nobody trusts these, they send them to a lab, the first thing they do is they go over the screen, and the screen is going to say, oh, a benzo is present, or an opioid is present based on what this is saying. A false positive is when this says one thing, this says another,

then this says another.

By the way, can you see my mouse on the screen? Yeah, it gets Otherwise, I’d probably confuse the hell out of everybody. So remember, too, this is also a chemical reaction. This screen is a chemical reaction, so drug, different medications will test positive for different medications. I’ve seen it over and over again where Wellbutrin or Bupropion test positive for meth on an analyzer, but then the confirmation will come back and say, No, this is Wellbutrin at this level, or this is actually methamphetamine at this level. Labs right now are constantly fighting this argument. Right now, my cup says this. Why does your lab say this? Or why is it that this cup says this? This lab said positive, and then the confirmation says something different. Again, it’s one of the reasons I do education is because the end user of the lab, whichever lab we’re talking to, the client that is using that lab, is confused as hell because they’re getting three different results on the same urine sample.

And you should see it in court when you have three different results and everyone’s trying to argue over which one to listen to. So this is the final standard that will hold up in court, is the confirmation. This is what labs do, right here. This. These two tests are literally thrown out all the time, but this is the number one headache for labs is dealing with inconsistencies between these two.


what we’re able to do is to take a rapid sample with this level of accuracy backed up by the lab. We remove all of the problems with this test, not all the problems, but again, you guys, after eight years of doing lab stuff, I’ve never seen anything like this that will make labs better than easy saliva two.

These are some different results on positives and false false positives, false negatives. But what it really boils down to is this is an example of what a false positive looks like in the lab world. Can you see right here where it says A benzodiazepine positive, but up here, quit typing, is identified that and cytalopram site telepram is a Benz

so I know that this is saying one’s present. This is saying which one and how much a false positive.

Is the screen, and the cup says fentanyl is present,


00:00:00:00 – 00:00:17:25

Speaker 1

I’m usually the one that says that. All right. So my recorders and so we’re going to go and get this started Unshare. My name is Nick keel. I am the I’m an executive at Point Care now at technology which is our public company. And I’m also the owner of Keil Medical, which is the sales arm of our company as well.


00:00:17:27 – 00:00:45:23

Speaker 1

We’ve got a bunch of different partnerships of different people in place, but we’ve been working really hard. And our big thing is to make drug testing easy. That’s that’s our company goal is we just want to make drug testing easy for everybody and completely change the way the drug testing has been done so that we can get away from the archaic methods that have been used for decades and hundreds of years, and go into the future with the new versions that are going to be a lot better and user friendly for everybody.


00:00:45:25 – 00:01:13:13

Speaker 1

So just a quick history on drug testing, and the reason why I bring this slide up is because I want to make sure that everybody’s very aware, if you’re not already, how drug testing has been around for a very long time. It’s something that hasn’t really changed that much during that time, unfortunately. And so with that being with that happening, the people on the other side of drug testing, with the drug users, they’ve innovated and they’ve come up with new things constantly.


00:01:13:16 – 00:01:32:12

Speaker 1

But the drug testing hasn’t really changed that much. To combat that. And so in to the in 1986, President Reagan signed the drug free workplace bill, which was mainly which is maybe really been enforced with Dot and federal government testing. But outside of that, in the private sector, companies have kind of just been open to do whatever they need to.


00:01:32:12 – 00:01:53:17

Speaker 1

It’s not really mandated by the federal government or controlled. And so the Department of Labor wanted to find out, hey, how often are people actually under the influence? Because it’s not regulated as much as it could be. And with how, you know, all the methods have been a lot of people are cheating. And they found that over 60% of people know someone that’s going to work or coming to work under the influence of drugs or alcohol.


00:01:53:19 – 00:02:21:00

Speaker 1

Occasionally. And so that’s a huge number. We know it’s happening. Everybody knows it. I feel like it’s not really a shock. And so to try and combat that, the federal government, with SAMHSa being the federal government arm and then Dot for Department of Transportation, they both announced in 2022 and then 2023 that they were going to start shifting over to saliva to hopefully solve a lot of the problems that are happening with urine.


00:02:21:02 – 00:02:42:00

Speaker 1

And then in 2023, we announced the easy saliva two device and brought it to market. And we’ve been working on it ever since. And now we can say it’s been two years instead of just one year that we’ve had it out there. So, the D.O.T. and Sam said this was a huge, huge change because people have known about saliva drug testing for decades.


00:02:42:00 – 00:03:12:05

Speaker 1

Right? Hasn’t nothing’s really changed. What changed in their minds was the need to finally stop allowing people to see and then get the cost down with the collection, because with urine. And if you want to stop them from cheating, you try and do an observe collection, which isn’t comfortable for anybody. And then the other issue came up where the gender, politics and gender identity of if you are having an observed collection, who is going to watch whom, and how are you going to do it if they identify as a male with female body parts and vice versa?


00:03:12:08 – 00:03:30:19

Speaker 1

It just it creates all these legal issues in these problems that nobody really wants to deal with on the collection side or the collect side. And so they said, hey, maybe we should start shifting over to saliva. Hopefully we can get it to where it needs to be. And we we feel like we’re going to help them definitely get there.


00:03:30:21 – 00:03:51:09

Speaker 1

So currently in the workplace, what most companies are doing is, I’d say 90% of companies are sending someone out when they need to get drug tested. They send them out to a clinic. Now there’s a bunch of problems with this. Number one is they have a lot of time. If you’re sending someone out to a clinic, there’s plenty of stuff they can do in between and route to the clinic.


00:03:51:09 – 00:04:19:14

Speaker 1

And, Gina, you’re nodding your head. You know, there’s lots of different things that you can get to cheat the drug test. You can get somebody else’s urine. You can get your dogs urine, you can get, you can get detox drinks, you can get all these different things that are used to be able to cheat drug testing. And then the other problem is, if it’s a 9 to 5 clinic, which most of them are, what happens if you have a night shift and there’s an accident and you got to get everybody tested, you can’t send anyone to send everybody home until they get drug tests the next day.


00:04:19:16 – 00:04:43:03

Speaker 1

And that’s a huge cost to the company. And a bunch of time wasted. The other problems can be you’re sending someone in. They can take a very long time if they’re in a waiting room. They could. It could be a long time for them to get drug tested. Or you’re sending them to a place where there’s a bunch of other sick people, and you’re exposing them to people that are sick in a clinic that they don’t when they really shouldn’t have been around in that place from the get go.


00:04:43:05 – 00:05:06:15

Speaker 1

So that’s currently what’s being done, and obviously there’s plenty of room for improvement. The other option that some companies do is much more expensive is you hire personally collectors to come into your own workplace and do drug testing for everybody. You shut down your bathroom, you turn off the water, and it’s a whole day thing for everybody to do, and you know, if they have shy bladder, you have to weigh, you have to weigh, you have to wait until eventually they do it.


00:05:06:18 – 00:05:33:24

Speaker 1

And it’s just not fun for anyone. So drug testing has always been the boring subject or the uncomfortable subject in the workplace. Nobody really likes it, and that’s just how it’s always been. And so we hopefully can change that. Now, part of the reasons why there’s a shift to saliva is also the detection windows. When you are a company and you are and you’re in a state where THC is legal.


00:05:33:24 – 00:05:53:23

Speaker 1

So let’s say you’re in one of these states and THC is legal. If you’re doing urine drug testing, then the detection window is actually a really important factor that a lot of companies don’t think about with urine. When you take the drug, it takes about 2 to 8 hours for the drug to be metabolized and get into your urine system to be detectable.


00:05:53:25 – 00:06:13:28

Speaker 1

So it’s 2 to 8 hours, and then after that it will stay there up to 30, even 45 days, depending on the drug. So some drugs are going to be metabolized faster and get out of your system faster. Some are going to be a little bit slower, like the 4530 day mark. But what that’s doing is it’s giving you a big window of their recent drug use for the past 30 days.


00:06:14:00 – 00:06:34:07

Speaker 1

So if you’re in a state where THC is legal, then if you drug test them on Thursday and they did marijuana over the weekend off hours in their own time, and it was totally legal to do so, you’re causing all these legal issues because if you decide to fire them for testing positive for THC, they claim that they didn’t do it at work hours.


00:06:34:07 – 00:07:01:22

Speaker 1

You claim that they did because the drug test said, yes, it’s in their system in court. It’s going to get destroyed. And Mike, Mike, I said, I’ll give him a minute to talk in a minute. He is a consultant. He’s on board with our company and he’s a consultant for a bunch of different, companies, labs, courts. And he does a lot of court testimony for drug testing to educate on what the problems are with drug testing and why somebody has a valid case or why they don’t.


00:07:01:24 – 00:07:23:16

Speaker 1

And that’s a big, big issue with THC and urine is it’s holding it there for a long time. You can’t tell when they did it with urine testing. Now when you look at saliva and blood, the benefits of those are it’s a 12, typically 12 to 24 hour window, maybe 36 hours with THC, depending on the person and how much they used.


00:07:23:18 – 00:07:46:24

Speaker 1

But it’s a much, much shorter time period. And it’s going to look at recent drug use. And so if you’re testing someone on a Thursday and they test positive for THC and they have all the other signs and symptoms in their body, then you’ve got a pretty good case to say that they were using at work or right before work, and it’s affecting their job, or if there was an accident that happened, and then you drug test and they were positive.


00:07:46:26 – 00:08:04:01

Speaker 1

You’ve got a really good case to say that they did that and and have fired. And so that’s a big reason why they’re also shifting to saliva is for those legal cases that have been coming up over the years as drugs get more and more legalized and is just the first there’s going to be others in the future as well.


00:08:04:04 – 00:08:24:28

Speaker 1

So what are the solutions? We’ve got the number one product in the market for, court testimony and for, for drug testing to be used in a legal and compliant manner. And we, we’ve got a couple different versions. We’ve got the easy side, the two, which is the dual swab saliva device. We’ve got the easy saliva one, which is a single swab.


00:08:25:00 – 00:08:46:14

Speaker 1

And then I’ll add this to the picture next time. But we’ve got the quick swab, which allows us to be able to swab and then send it off to a lab for a lab confirmation. And so the easy saliva two does a screen. And what it does is essentially you’ll take the swab in your mouth, push it into the device, and then it will squeeze out the saliva from these sponges right here.


00:08:46:16 – 00:09:05:27

Speaker 1

And squeeze out the saliva over to these strips, which will then give you an immediate reading within five minutes on the spot, a positive or negative. And we can do up to 28 drugs, which is great for law enforcement companies. You’re not going to do that, gene. Just like, wow, that’s a lot. Yeah. You’re not going to do that in workplace setting.


00:09:06:04 – 00:09:27:19

Speaker 1

You don’t need 28 drugs. But just to show our capability, we have that, for law enforcement. And then the second component is in court. You can’t just have a screen and then fire someone or make it a legal decision off of the screen. You have to have it confirmed at a laboratory through, just much higher level equipment and instruments.


00:09:27:22 – 00:09:51:12

Speaker 1

And that’s why this second swab comes into play, where you’ll have this swab, it’ll push the saliva down into this vial, which will then save the other saliva collection that’s clean and separate and the one that touch the strips. And you can send it off to the lab for confirmation. So you’re getting both tests with one. Or you do the easy saliva one and then use the quick swab, which I’ll show you in a second.


00:09:51:15 – 00:10:07:18

Speaker 1

As the backup. And there’s a lot of reasons why this is different, but I feel like the moment for me to bring in Mike. Mike, do you want to go over anything that I covered with what the problems are with urine drug testing? Before I move on, so I.


00:10:07:18 – 00:10:12:10

Speaker 2

I’m sorry I had to jump on call, so I didn’t see. Did you go over the easy solution now?


00:10:12:12 – 00:10:14:23

Speaker 1

Yeah. I’m about to do what you.


00:10:14:26 – 00:10:43:02

Speaker 2

Yeah. Why don’t you just clip on that slide? So anybody that has done drug testing before. So my quick background, I’ve been a nurse for 18 years, but I’ve been in the lab space for the last nine. Anybody that’s on this call right now knows how terrible oral drug testing is. If you’ve done it before or if you send it off to the lab, I personally, before I met Kill Medical, before I had a call with Nate, I was very anti oral drug testing.


00:10:43:04 – 00:11:05:19

Speaker 2

The reason I’m anti world testing is because if you’re a collection site or anybody on this call, that’s had to do drug testing before watching somebody sit there with a sponge in their mouth waiting for it to change colors, and then sometimes it disintegrates. But the biggest problem with oral drug testing is getting enough saliva for the drug test to be accurate.


00:11:05:22 – 00:11:35:13

Speaker 2

Okay. And in the lab space, roughly 25 to 30% of the samples that come to the lab are rejected after the machines, the instruments run the sample because there’s not enough saliva to even justify the test. So about 25 to 30% are rejected by the lab after they’re ran because there’s not enough saliva to generate a sample. What makes this different than any other drug test on the market is this solution right here.


00:11:35:16 – 00:11:44:19

Speaker 2

Nate, why don’t you kind of go over real quick? She put a quarter in me. I’ll wait for an hour. So you cover that real quick and then come back to me and I’ll explain why clinically that that matters.


00:11:44:21 – 00:11:45:20

Speaker 1

I’ll be brief.


00:11:45:23 – 00:11:47:08

Speaker 2

Yeah. Be brief.


00:11:47:10 – 00:12:09:24

Speaker 1

So, it’s really important. So there’s a whole bunch of components to it. But the easy solution, we call it the easy solution because it solves all of those problems that Mike was talking about with saliva testing. And number one is it speeds up that collection, like you said, where we’re getting a 92nd collection time instead of 7 to 15 minutes, like what the other swabs are in the market.


00:12:09:26 – 00:12:34:09

Speaker 1

So there’s really there’s two different there’s actually two different types of saliva test out in the market. There’s the screens and then there’s the lab confirmations through the lab, through these little collection devices with the other lab collection devices. And then really there’s one that’s dominating the market, before we came out. And that one takes typically 7 to 15 minutes of holding the swab in your mouth for it to be collected.


00:12:34:16 – 00:12:58:00

Speaker 1

So this entire call, that whole time, you have a swab in your mouth and you can’t move and you can’t talk. It’s it’s difficult. It takes forever. And it’s unrealistic for companies to use. And so that’s why urine has been easier than saliva on the collection side. And like Mike said, even when you do it that long, there’s still a third of the time or a fourth of the time that it’s rejected because it doesn’t have enough sample.


00:12:58:02 – 00:13:15:17

Speaker 1

And so most people have hated saliva because of those things. The other thing at the lab is saliva is very viscous. It’s very thick. And so it kind of bogs down their instruments and it makes it hard for them to test. So labs have never really pushed it because they just didn’t like it. Urine was easier to deal with.


00:13:15:19 – 00:13:39:23

Speaker 1

We’ve shifted that and changed that completely now with our tests. This is a 92nd collection and it’s very easy to do. And in fact, we get so much and we can guarantee with this device we can guarantee enough collection every single time, which is massive because you never have to worry about, did I get enough? Did I get enough?


00:13:39:25 – 00:14:03:17

Speaker 1

And so we we developed this device specifically for that. And to solve that major issue. But then the solution also will break down the mucus in the mouth and it will help you extract THC. RTC numbers are the highest of any saliva test, because THC typically will stick to and bind to the gums and the mucosa, and it’s very hard to extract in the saliva collection as well.


00:14:03:19 – 00:14:26:28

Speaker 1

With ours, the mouth rinses in your mouth, mixing around with your saliva, and it’ll break down the mucus and allow you to be able to extract better information from the mouth. And then when you send it to the lab, because it’s broken down, it actually is easy to run through the instruments and it runs very smoothly. And so the labs like this a lot because it runs like urine in the mess.


00:14:27:00 – 00:14:34:13

Speaker 1

So we’ve solved all of the problems that have that have been plaguing saliva drug testing for decades. Go ahead, Mike.


00:14:34:15 – 00:14:38:26

Speaker 2

So let me translate that into real speak. Okay. Let,


00:14:38:28 – 00:14:41:04

Speaker 1

You’re saying I’m too I’m too sophisticated.


00:14:41:09 – 00:14:43:05

Speaker 2

I don’t know. This is nurse Mike.


00:14:43:07 – 00:14:45:07

Speaker 1

That’s the person that.


00:14:45:10 – 00:15:08:00

Speaker 2

So in five minutes, Nate explained to me what their product was. And I went from very anti oral to oh my goodness, this can change everything. The reason it changes everything is these swabs that we’re talking about are pre soaked in this solution. So when you pull it out and when you stick it in the mouth which is approved to go in the mouth okay.


00:15:08:03 – 00:15:38:01

Speaker 2

What it does is it has an osmotic effect and it makes you drool. So instead of swabbing what’s in their mouth, we’re swabbing the saliva that is being produced by the salivary glands in the buckle cells in the salivary glands. As I say, I’m going to make a sample that I go into says, right. But the I have a little analogy I came up with if you’ve ever drank water from your tap and you’re like, something’s wrong with the water, it just tastes different, would you to find out what’s in the water?


00:15:38:03 – 00:15:59:27

Speaker 2

Would you test and swab the sink, or would you test the toilet to see what’s wrong with the water? Or would you not want to test the tap water to see what’s wrong with the water? What happens is an oral testing. You’re swabbing the sink, trying to figure out what’s going on, and you’re catching everything in the mouth trying to get that out into a drug test.


00:15:59:29 – 00:16:22:18

Speaker 2

If you’re doing urine drug testing, you’re testing the water that’s in the toilet. With this, when you put the swab in your mouth, it makes you draw. It creates new saliva. That’s what we’re testing when it goes into that test. And it’s talking about it goes down and it locks into place. What happens is this notion that they’re pre soaked in, it breaks down the mucus.


00:16:22:20 – 00:16:45:21

Speaker 2

It makes it worse. Not as viscous. The drugs are actually hitting the test strips instead of the mucus activating the test strips. And what that means is you’re actually get an accurate point of care test which does not exist in the world right now. Honestly, if anybody on this call is doing drug testing, do any of you trust point of care tests?


00:16:45:23 – 00:17:06:27

Speaker 2

Nobody does. Okay? Even doctors that do drug testing don’t trust point of care tests, but they have to check a box that they did it. Then they send it off to the lab. Right now, what our tests are showing with the point of care. I mean, you get in a forklift accident, I can tell you what’s going on right now in their system, and you can still send it off to the lab for confirmation.


00:17:06:29 – 00:17:29:15

Speaker 2

But what it does is because of this solution, which is different than anything else that’s out there, what it does is it’s producing the saliva that is, that is actively holding the drugs that are active in your system. It completely changes the dynamics of what you’re looking for. So instead of testing somebody and then they come back like, oh, that’s because of this.


00:17:29:15 – 00:17:49:00

Speaker 2

And you know, I was on a bus and somebody sneezed. And then the bus stopped and I grabbed the pole. And because I licked my hand after I got you guys know all the stories that that come with drug testing, right? The difference between all the stories that everybody says, trying to explain the results because nobody trust the results.


00:17:49:02 – 00:18:12:02

Speaker 2

This is literally in 90s, you know, what’s going on in the person’s system right now. Okay. It changes the dynamics of what you’re actually looking for, the purpose of drug testing. But then like what Nate said, I’ve been in so many court cases where people say, well, the drug test said this, but then the lab said that. And why does that contract?


00:18:12:02 – 00:18:33:20

Speaker 2

Yes, the lab results are always what you go after. If there’s a court case, lab results or whatever, get a hold up in court, but you have to have an accurate sample to get to the lab. That’s what this does. So whether you want to know right now what’s going on or whether you want a clean sample to get to the lab, this is the perfect collection device.


00:18:33:22 – 00:18:54:29

Speaker 2

And in five minutes after talking date, I just suddenly realize all of the problems that the industry has with oral drug testing are solved because the solution generates new saliva. Okay, and it’s weird because it has a little bit of a salty taste to it. You put it in your mouth and you’re like, well, all of a sudden you’re just start drooling.


00:18:55:02 – 00:19:14:13

Speaker 2

It’s insane. Okay. But then when it comes down to it, what are you using it? That’s where my whole world is. What are you doing with the lab results? These are customizable, so we can do different panels, but do you want to see what do your clients want to see? That’s what this can do. But it generates an accurate test with enough saliva.


00:19:14:13 – 00:19:36:03

Speaker 2

And it’s backed up by court because it can be sent to the lab. Instead of spending all this money on products that don’t work, that everyone questions. And I don’t know if anybody here is testing adolescents, but it is the worst when you have to say, hey, we got to send a kid in to see if mom’s taking her, his drugs, his medications.


00:19:36:05 – 00:20:01:03

Speaker 2

We need you to watch a minor do a drug test. Just puts everybody in a horrible situation where this just makes it to where oral drug testing, which is, in theory, easier to get. But in real world application, it’s so much harder to get. This changes that dynamic where it is easier to get and it’s easier to get a sample in 90s than it is even waiting for someone to go into the bathroom.


00:20:01:05 – 00:20:14:06

Speaker 2

So that’s why I fell in love with it. And that’s why it actually clinically changes the real world application to drug testing instead of the garbage that everyone has to deal with right now.


00:20:14:08 – 00:20:34:02

Speaker 1

Yeah, and that was a gene wants us to add that we developed the solution or my partner, I should say developed the solution. Doctor. Gorgeous. With Johnson and Johnson. And so it’s a very well established solution that we modified to be able to use for first Covid testing so that we could have one of the best Covid saliva tests in the market.


00:20:34:04 – 00:20:48:23

Speaker 1

But we did a little bit late, and then we shifted into drug testing and to see if it would work with that. And it works even better than we expected. And so we’ve been using it with drug testing for the past two years now, and then we’re going to be using it for a lot of other things too.


00:20:48:25 – 00:21:05:13

Speaker 1

Now, my kit on a couple things with, with every drug test. Well, first off, I don’t want to give the wrong impression. Mike said you can customize the test. Yes and no. It takes a lot of, by order of test to be able to customize your own panels. We’ve got our panels that we’re doing. I just don’t want to give off any wrong questions.


00:21:05:13 – 00:21:30:01

Speaker 1

But one thing that we do is we do track all of that information, like you said, through our proprietary software that we developed for this test and for drug testing in the workplace, specifically. And so every single test that’s done will go through this software, and it’ll allow us to be able to track all of that data from the point of collection to when it gets to lab to when it goes to the MRO or medical review officer and gets back into the portal with you guys.


00:21:30:03 – 00:21:47:06

Speaker 1

We track all of that, and then we’re going to give it back to you in the form of analytics. So that you, your company, can have a better picture of what’s going on drug wise in your company and all the different sites and different times and different shifts and all of that. And that just comes included with the purchase of the test.


00:21:47:06 – 00:21:49:06

Speaker 1

We don’t charge anything extra for that.


00:21:49:09 – 00:22:14:04

Speaker 2

Can I jump in on that real quick, Nate. Yeah. This is I never thought I would be a lab data geek, okay? I never in my life would. I thought I’d be that guy. Nate just explained that this is included in the price of the test. You get the data. But think about that. Your clients, whether you represent a company or whether you’re a testing company, the data that this now shows is instead of reporting back pass fail, right.


00:22:14:04 – 00:22:36:16

Speaker 2

Or what they you know, how you have your report back to your clients or to your HR or whatever. What this data allows you to now look at is because it has time, location and drugs. Okay. You can now start looking at analytic of your company or your client’s company saying, why are we starting to see more meth at this location than we are this location?


00:22:36:24 – 00:22:52:29

Speaker 2

Why is it that in the afternoon shift we’re starting to see more cocaine positives? Okay, it starts looking. You can actually start using this data to forecast what’s going on with employees. Why is it that we just hired somebody and our drug use went up.


00:22:53:26 – 00:23:13:06

Speaker 2

Okay. All of all of these analytics. And we’ll show you how to use the analytics. Because we want you to be able to use that for your clients or for your company to say we know we have a problem with meth. Where where’s it coming from. When is it coming from. And that’s what this can do is people look at drug analytics all the time is pass fail.


00:23:13:06 – 00:23:23:10

Speaker 2

Instead of using it for a wealth of information we want to share with you and help you guys use as well. And it all that’s all part of part of the software in this part of our program.


00:23:23:13 – 00:23:38:26

Speaker 1

Yeah. And then some other things that we have in there as well is randomization. If you ever need a random list, you can import your roster into the software. It’ll give you a randomized list of employees that need to be drug tested from a third party, so that you’re not doing yourself to be able to comply with the different laws that are there.


00:23:38:28 – 00:23:55:19

Speaker 1

And then we will be adding things like background checks and different things like that in the future as well, just to make it easier for you as a company owner to just have one software where you track everything and you do all the hiring and and firing their. All right. So, we hit on the collection. This is the software.


00:23:55:19 – 00:24:20:25

Speaker 1

This is what it looks like. Now here’s what saliva will enable you as a company owner to do. We talked about how the two options were either send an employee out to a clinic or hire a phlebotomist to come in. The third option that we are now enabling companies to do is to be able to do their own drug testing and take control and do it in their own time whenever they need to, and take five minutes and then go back to work and be and have it be very quick.


00:24:20:27 – 00:24:40:20

Speaker 1

And so there’s a lot of reasons why you have to be careful when you’re doing your own drug testing, but we cover every single one of those with the software. And the test number one is when you push the test down into the device, it will lock ensuring chain of custody, meaning nobody can tamper with that test after it’s already locked.


00:24:40:22 – 00:24:58:05

Speaker 1

So as soon as you take it from the person’s mouth and push it into the device right in front of them, it’s going to lock and nobody can tamper with it. When you do that, you can then resort it and then we have both the collector and the collector sign stating that the collection was done correctly, and then there was no issue with it.


00:24:58:05 – 00:25:29:11

Speaker 1

There’s there’s no tampering. So that if it does come back as positive from the lab confirmation as well, then that can never be challenged in court or ever. You don’t have it. And he likes to stand on because the collector and the collector both signed at the moment stating the collection done correctly. So that’s a huge deal that protects the employer and allows you to be able to do this in that way, because our test locks and then we’ve got the software making sure that we track everything with the chain of custody from end to end, which is big.


00:25:29:13 – 00:25:46:26

Speaker 1

And so this will allow you to be able to do that openly whenever you need to, and make sure that you trust your employees on both ends to, to get this done. Right. And this is easy enough that a three year old can do it. And I say that because my three year old has literally done it and done the collection perfectly.


00:25:46:26 – 00:26:13:10

Speaker 1

It was really easy. Just swab the cheeks but under the tongue. Okay, now push it in the device until it locks it hard for you to push it down. But it clicked and then it was done. So that’s that’s something that we do. We also have law enforcement using this actively. And so that’s another big deal, is we, this is the only saliva drug test that does both the lab screening and confirmation that is used by law enforcement in the country.


00:26:13:12 – 00:26:30:07

Speaker 1

And so, we just know that we’ve got everything that we need to to hold up legally in court. When you do get a lab confirmation, just tell everybody where you can’t just rely on the screens like we talked about the lab. Come for me. The screen will tell you the drug class, and I’ll tell you positive or negative, like amphetamines.


00:26:30:10 – 00:26:48:05

Speaker 1

But when you send it to the lab, it’ll actually break down what type of positive it was or what specific drug analyte that strand came from. And then it also tell you amounts so you can see exactly how much was in their system. And so this is you know, this is an example report that we have. It’s a four page report.


00:26:48:08 – 00:27:10:20

Speaker 1

And you can see that this person tested positive for amphetamines, methamphetamines, oxy, that morphine as well as codeine. And then they also had some nicotine in their system as well. So first when you’re in workplace you’ll do a screen. It’ll be it’ll be what we call presumptive positive or negative. If it’s negative you send it back to work and you’re good to go.


00:27:10:23 – 00:27:46:22

Speaker 1

And that’s it. Very quick process. If it’s presumptive positive and the screen hasn’t gotten rid of that person, with the test, then you’re going to do a second job, usually in the workplace, which is that quick swab and you’ll send it off to the lab for confirmation. And then the lab will result it like this. And then after that, it’ll get sent to what’s called an MRA or a medical review officer, which is a doctor who’s going to take their prescription history and compare that to the lab results to make sure that you’re not firing anybody for doing prescribed drugs that they’re supposed to be doing.


00:27:46:25 – 00:28:00:02

Speaker 1

They’ll look at the levels as well to find out. Okay. Did they take 3 or 4 pills when they should have only taken one? They’ll look at all of that in their system, and then they will release the results in the portal to you so that you can have that results in have have it hold up in court.


00:28:00:02 – 00:28:31:01

Speaker 1

We cover everything the right way that it needs to happen. We also will certify every collector. So one of the requirements in some states is that some people, though the collectors, are certified to be able to collect for that test, we will do that. It’s a virtual 40 minute collection training that you have to do. And then at the end of it, you get certified and you have a you have a license from us or a level certification that allows you to be able to do the collections, and we will back you up in court stating that they did the collection training.


00:28:31:01 – 00:28:48:27

Speaker 1

They’re certified to be able to do this test. And then in the software they signed off stating the collection was done right. The employee signed off stating the collection was done right and then the lab results came back great. The MRO reviewed it. Everything from end to end is covered so that you can have full confidence in our drug testing program.


00:28:49:00 – 00:29:06:06

Speaker 1

And so we are very different from any other saliva test company out there, because we do the entire program from end to end, and our and our products are proprietary to us. So nobody else has. And so you’re going to see other drug tests out there in the market. You can go on Amazon right now. You can find a saliva drug test for seven bucks.


00:29:06:06 – 00:29:24:09

Speaker 1

Six bucks. We’ll see what that price goes to with the tariffs that are expected to come out in the next administration. Because all of these tests come from China, every single one of them. We know all the manufacturers, even if they say they’re manufactured in the US, they’re put together in the US, but they’re bought from products that are in China, shipped over here.


00:29:24:09 – 00:29:44:07

Speaker 1

And then they put them together here. We know we again, we know every single manufacturer out there that’s making these, and they do not have our liquid. And so the collection times longer and then there’s not as much confidence in the results. And so these test companies that have used these before that we talked to and switched them over to ours.


00:29:44:09 – 00:30:01:25

Speaker 1

They’ve all said that they don’t feel totally confident in these results in these tests. The plastic isn’t very good. It’s not it’s not FDA grade plastic. Like what we use the quality down. They don’t have the liquid. And so they usually go three or through 3 or 4 of these per person because they just want to see if they can get the right result.


00:30:01:25 – 00:30:20:15

Speaker 1

And we’re just trying to, you know, they’re not very confident with our test. You know the quality is there. You you’ll see at the second that you can test in there, you can see it even in the pictures. And then there’s another test that is mainly used with law enforcement because it’s so expensive. Before we came out, this is called the So Toxic Machine.


00:30:20:17 – 00:30:42:00

Speaker 1

It’s a it’s almost a $5,000 machine that costs 2750 every time you use it. And it can only screen six drugs. So it’s not going to be used in court. It can only be used. It can only be used as a screen. So police departments are starting to use it for, drug testing like DUIs and stuff like that.


00:30:42:03 – 00:31:00:21

Speaker 1

But they have to do a second swab that 7 to 15 minute swab if they want to send it to the lab after this is performed. And it only has six drugs, we can go up to 27 drugs and alcohol. So basically 28 things that we can test for per test. The easy saliva two is more expensive than the easy saliva one.


00:31:00:23 – 00:31:21:18

Speaker 1

So in workplace we’re primarily using the easy saliva one because it’s a lot cheaper. And the law enforcement is using the easy saliva two, because these ones are going to go to court 6,070% of the time, usually. However, with our record, we have had plenty of these used and not a single person has ever challenged our test in court yet.


00:31:21:20 – 00:31:37:12

Speaker 1

And it’s been over a year that we’ve been using these, so we’re trying to we have to get some case law with us. But nobody’s ever felt confident that they could beat our test in court, which is a great record to have. So what does it look like cost wise? The easy saliva one is typically going to be 20.


00:31:37:14 – 00:31:55:28

Speaker 1

And I need to change this. Now it’s $25. Because of some of the higher prices that we’re getting from our manufacturers. So I’ll change this slide. But it’s $25 usually. So just add $2 to this total average. But if you take in the time that it takes to take the test, how many employees may or may not be involved?


00:31:56:01 – 00:32:18:19

Speaker 1

Lab confirmation, MRI review and urine drug testing. We will come out ahead. Every single time by a lot, because of all the time that you’re going to be saving by doing a saliva test versus doing a urine test, let alone the fact that you know that they’re not going to be able to cheat this test, and they probably will be able to cheat the urine drug test with all the different options that are out there.


00:32:18:22 – 00:32:37:04

Speaker 1

So it’s better in every way. Include price, which is always everybody’s big sticking point in every company. You got to make sure that it’s affordable enough for people to buy, and we have done just that and that price that we do with the $25 includes that software and full access to it with the randomization and the other thing.


00:32:37:04 – 00:32:55:04

Speaker 1

So you’ll get full access to the software with that price. We just want to get this to be an affordable program for everybody, so that we can make the shift from urine to saliva nationwide. Mike, do you want to add anything before we go to Q&A?


00:32:55:06 – 00:32:57:05

Speaker 2

No, I’m just ready for Q&A.


00:32:57:07 – 00:33:09:09

Speaker 1

All right. So open up to you guys. Are there any specific questions that you have that our company specific, state specific or just scenario specific that you guys want to know that we haven’t covered yet?


00:33:09:11 – 00:33:35:13

Speaker 1

And you can just go ahead. But I have a question. I look for companies and a company that does like background check, and they do. They have a lot of, big clients now, something that I would definitely throw a pitch to her about this because, we do drug testing and yes, you know, if they have this dry bladder and they can’t go to the bathroom cost, it’s not cost efficient for the companies because productivity wise that the company like you, like you mentioned.


00:33:35:15 – 00:33:55:00

Speaker 1

Yeah. So this is something that would be ideal for her because there’s times that, I cover for the office. I don’t like to work in the office because I don’t make money in the office. And she. And there’s other people there that could get trained to do this, that work in the office. And it would be ideal for her because she’s got a lot of clients.


00:33:55:03 – 00:34:10:19

Speaker 1

And, the one thing, though, with the solution, because you say that it’s, the solution now is the solution. What is is it anything that would irritate anybody’s skin? Is it hypoallergenic? What is it? What is the solution made of?


00:34:10:22 – 00:34:18:06

Speaker 2

So what it is, is it’s actually battery acid that we convert it into an oral. I’m sorry, I got it.


00:34:18:09 – 00:34:21:23

Speaker 1

You’re trying to read my card sometimes.


00:34:21:25 – 00:34:41:05

Speaker 2

No. It’s literally, like, salty. It’s like a salty solution. It literally has an osmotic effect. And that’s why it draws solution out. It’s completely safe and you can put it in your mouth. Yeah. Because I mean, it also doesn’t have animal products as well because some people have religious preferences where they can’t use animal products. It’s completely safe to use.


00:34:41:05 – 00:35:01:11

Speaker 1

Yeah. And there’s nothing like I’ve seen that. I’m sorry for somebody other that there’s, people that have been doing the oral fluid where they’ve been saying saying they’ve cheated on it because what they do is they put those, Listerine, under on their, on their inside of their gums, and they put stuff in their gum and they said, I’ve passed it.


00:35:01:12 – 00:35:04:07

Speaker 1

This is how you can pass it like that.


00:35:04:07 – 00:35:22:14

Speaker 2

And remember, that’s like swabbing the kitchen sink. People will use mouthwash. They’ll they’ll brush their I mean, I’ve read so many websites about how to cheat an oral test. The interesting thing is everything that they talk about is how to clean the mouth to get the drugs out of the mouth, because that’s what you’re using an oral test for, right?


00:35:22:17 – 00:35:26:06

Speaker 2

We’re we’re testing the saliva just coming from the glands.


00:35:26:09 – 00:35:42:09

Speaker 1

The glands. That’s right. Oh wow I see, I see. So there’s no way that it could. Yeah. There’s no. And now now what if you have it because, you know fentanyl is the up and coming drug. And even with DLT they don’t check for that. And you can have somebody on that. And they’re working in their practice their doctors.


00:35:42:11 – 00:35:54:11

Speaker 2

The majority of people that are on fentanyl have no idea they’re on fentanyl because it’s laced in everything. And so, yeah, every one of our, every one of our point of care tests have fentanyl on it.


00:35:54:14 – 00:35:55:08

Speaker 1



00:35:55:10 – 00:36:14:06

Speaker 2

And then remember, then there’s also the backup to send it off to the lab. Because when somebody looks at you and they’re like, I don’t do fentanyl. Well how’s fentanyl getting in your system is the next question. Right. But majority of people that are on it have no idea they’re on it. And so but remember yeah, this is this is the difference.


00:36:14:06 – 00:36:33:18

Speaker 2

And we actually have some clients that do a lot of oil work. And when people fly in from out of country to this oil field, they can test everybody on the plane. One hour, as opposed to taking them all off the plane, going to a neutral location and waiting for everyone to go to the bathroom before they can go up and work.


00:36:33:20 – 00:36:52:03

Speaker 2

So this is something that is so easy to use, but actually gets you the information that you can sort the people. They’re like, hey, wait a second, you have fentanyl in your system. Number one, do you have more fentanyl with you that you’re going to influence the plant? Okay. I mean, right then and there you can make this, you can make decisions and what Nate mentioned.


00:36:52:03 – 00:37:12:20

Speaker 2

But he didn’t really hit on this right now when you look at the reason our stuff isn’t really challenged in court yet is because what what Nate’s showing you right now is one of the products easy saliva too, that’s giving you a rapid result, right? Right. Now those results are matching what is coming back from the lab at 98% accurate.


00:37:12:22 – 00:37:14:00

Speaker 1



00:37:14:02 – 00:37:32:19

Speaker 2

Okay. Compare that to oral. Any kind of drug test. Even those point of care drug tests which are 40% accurate okay. We’re not just looking for a chemical response or a chemical reaction. We’re looking for the drug reaction because of the solution that they’re pre soaked and that cleans it because there’s a buffer. But it’s completely safe.


00:37:32:22 – 00:37:51:14

Speaker 1

Yeah. And you don’t know because I I’m also right. So I do the breath alcohol. Does this test for alcohol also or just the screen will test for alcohol. And we do have an alcohol strip, but we don’t have a, way to confirm it yet. It’s never been done before with saliva. And so we’re creating a new methodology for it.


00:37:51:16 – 00:37:58:27

Speaker 1

So we’re hoping that we can do it with the solution. But it’s never been done before. So it just takes longer to be able to validate something like that.


00:37:58:29 – 00:38:19:21

Speaker 2

The way that the strips work with alcohol right now is it’s like a pH strip where it changes colors. Yeah. And then the colors represent the range of alcohol. But again, you always want to stick to your company policy, right. Or your client’s company policy. So if this test positive for alcohol, do a breathalyzer test reading that their policy follows.


00:38:19:28 – 00:38:21:22

Speaker 2

But yeah, this will detect alcohol.


00:38:21:28 – 00:38:47:00

Speaker 1

Yeah. Well in the gold standard for alcohol is going to be a blood test. Because breathalyzers they’re not super accurate. Anyways, we’ve got, Ryan Porter on here who’s a lieutenant in based in Utah, and he knows there’s something called the Intox iser, which is more accurate. It’s a huge it’s a bigger machine. It’s a tabletop machine that can be used, but yeah, this is we’re hoping that we can completely revolutionize everything from police departments to workplace to clinics.


00:38:47:00 – 00:39:08:09

Speaker 1

And we’re doing that with these new products that are enabling new things that have never been done before in drug testing. I’m sold. I think this is amazing, but isn’t there another one that I’m sorry that they’re using the. What is the Quinn still. What is that one on assault? Yeah. Yes. Okay, so and I’m glad you brought that up because I want to go over Dot as well.


00:39:08:11 – 00:39:27:16

Speaker 1

Yeah. Because usually when they came out there new regulations, they stated that they will they want to dual swab device. Oh, look, a dual swab device, which we’ve got the patent on and but they want it to split the swabs or it’s put the sample into two separate vials to be sent back to two different labs.


00:39:27:18 – 00:39:49:00

Speaker 1

Dot does not want the point of care. They don’t trust it yet. And so in their regulations that they came out in 2022, they said has to be able to have to go back to the lab. Nobody has been able to get there other requirements fulfilled yet. They’ve got requirements on the lab side that are very difficult for the labs to be able to achieve.


00:39:49:03 – 00:40:06:24

Speaker 1

And so we’re working with some different labs to be able to get this through, but it’s more on their end that they need to fix. Not not so much on our collection device because it’s ready to go. So we can’t use it for VAT yet. We will announce it when we can, and we’ll have a specific dot version that will be two swabs that will send back the lab.


00:40:06:26 – 00:40:32:16

Speaker 1

The solve is, is another swab that’s out there. It’s Abbott swab. That’s the one that takes 7 to 15 minutes to collect enough sample and is rejected. Possibly, you know, about a fourth of the time it goes to the lab, and the sensitivity for PhD is not anything close to what we have for THC. And but we’ve actually got a comparison study that’s happening right now with the government funded lab.


00:40:32:16 – 00:40:52:04

Speaker 1

That’s a nonprofit lab, and they’re doing a comparison study between our test and the cortisol. And we’re excited to release those results in the future. But this is if you want to collect a guaranteed collection, and you want it to be quick and faster than urine, it’s got to be our swab, because the cortisol has been around for since 1999.


00:40:52:07 – 00:41:17:27

Speaker 1

And the guy who actually invented and created the cancer is the guy who is manufacturing our tests. So it’s the same guy, his company that he was working for when he invented it, got bought by a company called The Leader. And then that company got bought by Abbott. And Abbott is in control of it right now. But I asked him, has the cortisol changed at all since you invented it in 1999?


00:41:17:29 – 00:41:31:27

Speaker 1

And his answer was no. And so that’s that’s the one that really a lot of people have said, I hate oral fluid because they’re using swabs like that.


00:41:32:00 – 00:41:52:02

Speaker 1

Like, if you have a quick question, I’m going to change you off because I have to go live, but I’m going to go back on, because I’m going to Trini. I was going to go to training next week for the choir. So yeah. Yeah, they’re always got, they’ve got the quantity of two, which is going to be a very long collection because they, their lab has been able to hit some of the requirements for Dotti.


00:41:52:04 – 00:42:11:01

Speaker 1

So they’ll probably be the first ones to do the OT. And then we’re going to come out after them. But then after that, because obviously I would definitely prefer obviously what you have here because the turnaround time is a lot faster, far as you know. And then it’s all concluded with the software that everything you know, which is ideal.


00:42:11:02 – 00:42:28:00

Speaker 1

I mean, can in one stop shop, basically, you know what I mean? And so then you would have, you would, do the training. I would have to go to you guys for the training for this. Yeah. When we come out with Dot, we’ll announce it pretty big and you’ll hear about it. It’s still probably going to be another 8 to 12 months.


00:42:28:00 – 00:42:45:29

Speaker 1

Honestly. They just take the government takes forever for everything. And so we’ve been pushing for a while. Abbott’s got a lot of connections and a lot of relationships that they’ve had because of who they are for a while. So they’re able to push things faster through. But when we do come out with it, like you said, it’s going to be a no brainer for everybody.


00:42:46:01 – 00:43:04:03

Speaker 1

I don’t know anyone that would choose a 20 minute swab because it’s a dual swab, so it’s going to be about 20 minutes rather than 90s. While, you know. Yeah, I think this is something that’s going to be definitely eye opener for a lot of companies where some of them are hesitant because of the way of the time of doing it, and it’s inaccurate and it comes back.


00:43:04:03 – 00:43:21:12

Speaker 1

It was enough, you know, and things are doing to cheat on it. Now with this, like you’re saying the salivary gland, you’re getting the it produces it. So there’s no way they can really cheat for this. Yeah. I mean unless they come up with something, you know. Oh it’s true. And you know, eventually I’m sure they’ll come up with something.


00:43:21:12 – 00:43:38:23

Speaker 1

But we’ve had we’ve had like Mike, for example, he had Monster Energy drink in his mouth while he swabbed himself with our solution. And if you pour monster energy drink into the strips, they’re going to show positive for a bunch of things because they react, chemically to to the strips. And it’s just it wasn’t made for monster energy drink.


00:43:38:23 – 00:43:58:12

Speaker 1

It was made for your saliva. But when he did it with our mouth, rinse it, actually clean the sample and everything showed negative on the screen. And so we, we’ve done studies and will continue to studies, but this is something that definitely changes the game. Yeah. I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to continue. I’m going to leave, but I’m going to continue.


00:43:58:12 – 00:44:17:29

Speaker 1

I’ll be right back. Here we are. We are pretty close to finishing. Oh, how much is the start up? I love that question. Nothing. You just have to buy the test and we will train free. We’ll get you set up with the software for free. We will do everything. We just want people using our tests, and we’ve tried to make it as affordable as possible for everybody.


00:44:18:05 – 00:44:35:26

Speaker 1

So this can be used by all companies and not just the big ones. Oh, let’s have Dot start this right away. That’s the key. Yeah I know because we’re, we’re you know we’ll fix a clearinghouse. All those regulations, all that we’re going to do all that in the software and it’ll just come included with our tests and yeah, we’re excited for that.


00:44:35:26 – 00:44:56:04

Speaker 1

But we we’ve got third party partners outside of our control that are trying to get their side going and to be able to to get the requirements. So what I’m sold. I think this is genius. This is great. But all right. If anything, I definitely would look into signing up with you guys without a doubt and getting the word out here in Florida.


00:44:56:08 – 00:45:17:26

Speaker 1

I buy the port and they do so much drug testing and stuff, and it’s inconvenient because you go there. It still takes time. You think they’re going to mean. But by doing this oh my goodness, that’s their product. They’ll have no problem. They have no excuse. Yeah I can’t speak for it. Doesn’t matter. Give me an hour for your you guys got it.


00:45:17:26 – 00:45:33:21

Speaker 1

And it does completely change the work culture. We had one company who said as soon as they announced these and they showed people that they were going to start using this at their construction sites, there would be people that just wouldn’t bother showing up anymore that they knew were using, but they could never catch them because they never get drug tests.


00:45:33:21 – 00:46:06:00

Speaker 1

And they always came back presumptive, you know, always came back negative. And they’re like, how do we stop this? And so it changed. It’s a really good deterrent in that factor. And then the other thing that Gina, who talked to you, to tell you about. Okay, Trina, Trina will also talk to you as well for our collection companies out there that have always been treated poorly by the labs, we’re going to change the game, and we’re going to allow you to be able to get into the clinical space as well with our swabs and be able to get part of the lab money that the lab is getting as well.


00:46:06:07 – 00:46:35:25

Speaker 1

So we worked on different ways to be able to make it so that we can do that for you guys, and we can work together in partnerships. So there will be more to talk about outside of just workplace testing. In the clinical space too. That’s great. I, I mean, I definitely am sold. I mean, I just think it’s a product that’ll definitely I think you have hesitancy with some people at first, but once they see the fact that of all the results, that the way they come out in as fast as and it’s accurate is this I, I’m sold it definitely.


00:46:35:27 – 00:46:57:29

Speaker 1

But I appreciate this. Thank you, Trina, for inviting me. I love this and talk to you guys soon. Okay. So yeah. And then I will say one more thing because this is this was really cool. We had a coroner’s office use this on somebody who was deceased. And because of that liquid, that mouth rinse, it actually still made them salivate even though they were deceased.


00:46:58:01 – 00:47:14:26

Speaker 1

And they were able to test that person. And it tested positive for everything they thought was in their system. From the overdose. So this is yeah, it it’s phenomenal. Eventually we’ll be able to get easy saliva to it’s not ready yet for clinical. The easy saliva to we have the quick swab that you can use for clinical right now.


00:47:14:29 – 00:47:34:23

Speaker 1

But eventually we’ll be able to use this with all the paramedics and all the ambulances that are showing up and people are coming to us. So that’s something as well that we’ll do in the future. Any other questions from from everybody.


00:47:34:26 – 00:47:55:13

Speaker 1

Okay. If there are if there are no other questions, then we’ll go ahead and end this webinar and then whoever’s contacted you to tell you about this webinar, they’ll follow up with you and we’ll talk about how to get set up for that. But again, it’s very easy process. It just it’s first come, first serve with the test kits.


00:47:55:13 – 00:48:12:21

Speaker 1

We just had a new batch come in this week, and we have another batch coming in 2 or 3 weeks. This one is completely sold out. The next one is almost all the way sold out as well of the next batch. And so, first come first serve is how we’re doing it. All right. Thank you, everybody. We’ll talk to you later.


00:48:12:23 – 00:48:20:14

Speaker 1

Thank you. Thank you. Have a good day. Thank you. Thank you.


00:48:20:17 – 00:48:35:20

Speaker 2

Thank you.

Problems with the Quantisol


  1. The instructions for use are unrealistic. Instruct donor to position collector under tongue and mouth closed. Keep head tilted down to allow gravity to assist with saliva collection. Do not allow donor to chew on pad, talk, or remove collector from mouth until indicator turns blue or 10 minutes has elapsed. The pad is stiff, comfortable and feels like felt. Then collector is inserted into the tub with their solution that warns “Do Not Ingest” and then sent to the lab.
  2. The preservative solution, once it arrives at the lab, will need to add chemicals too it to spin it out and break it down because their preservative is extremely corrosive on the lab instruments. The solution is also sticky and binds the machine, causing all sorts of problems, requiring the labs to spend more time cleaning the machines.
  3. 25-30% of the time, it does not collect enough saliva. This wastes time because the lab now needs to let the provider know that the sample is invalid and the test needs to be retaken. 
  4. If it doesn’t work the first time, the provider realizes the indicator did not turn blue, they will have to open another package and take the test again, wasting money and time. 

The QuickSwab and EZ Solution

  1. The quickswab uses a sponge that is presoaked in the “magic solution” that causes no problem if ingested. The solution does 2 things. First it stimulates salivation (this helps guarantee an adequate collection amount every time). The second is it cleans and breaks down the mucus.
  2. Instructions by contrast include swabbing inside each cheek for 10 seconds then keeping it under the tongue for 90 seconds. That means under 2 minutes compared to 10 minutes. This can be done faster than taking a blood pressure. 
  3. The tube that the sponge is squeezed into shows the amount collected and what is needed. The great thing is, if not enough is collected the first time for any reason and the liquid doesn’t fill to the line, that same sponge can be reused to collect more. It will never be rejected for not collecting enough sample.
  4. You don’t have to worry about food or drink that is taken prior to collection as the buffer solution cleans the sample and creates new saliva. The sponge only collects liquid so won’t have to worry about food particles. No need to wait any amount of time before collecting. 
  5. It also balances the PH in your mouth making it more similar to testing blood than other oral fluid tests.

00:00:00:00 – 00:00:35:00


Yes, it. Okay. So. Where’s my share button? Now, if you want, you can do it like this. So the thing that I’m absolutely shocked about when I do this is how little people actually know about drug testing. Okay. Everyone says drug test, and everyone thinks it’s the same thing when it’s not. And so even with, prosecuting attorneys, with judges, when they say we’ll look at the lab reports, people don’t know what they’re looking at.


00:00:35:02 – 00:00:55:01


And I have done this presentation in multiple states and with attorneys. And it’s amazing, literally amazing how little they know when people say drug tests, they just think, oh, drug tests, this is the results. But they don’t know. Oh, is this, a point of care or is this a confirmation? Or they just say drug test and they think that’s what it means.


00:00:55:04 – 00:01:11:14


But what happens in court is it’s just dissect it into all these different little things like, oh, it wasn’t 45 degrees when you took the temperature. Therefore, the lab should be thrown out. Okay. By the way, you throw a quarter in meet and go for hours on this stuff. So I keep it super condensed, by the way. Okay.


00:01:11:17 – 00:01:36:11


But here’s what I do. Okay. When I met Nate, oral testing was the furthest from my list because it gets destroyed in court. Okay. That’s literally how significant the easy saliva is. Is it changes everything. So what I’m going to do is I’m just going to go over what the existing world knows. Because when you’re talking to labs, this is their world.


00:01:36:13 – 00:01:59:21


We’re introducing literally the combustion engine to the lab world because right now they’re in court. They’re the carbon. But by the way, I’ve never said that before. So hope that kind of makes sense. But when when I’m what can I just go through my thing? Click on the presentation in the bottom right. You have to be at on your actual window.


00:01:59:21 – 00:02:17:27


Not in the. Oh, I need to go to my actual window. Okay. Can you guys see this? And yes. Okay. That makes sense that the files are in the computer. Yes, the files are computer. So when whenever I talked about drug testing, there’s two things that I’m trying to get people to understand. Like who am I talking to.


00:02:18:00 – 00:02:36:23


People are looking at drug testing is either pass fail or in the medical world they’re using drug testing. Is compliance non-compliant? Are you actually taking the medication or are you not taking. That’s why they drug test. You got to know who you’re talking to when when we’re talking to labs, they’re this is their world that they’re they’re dealing with on a daily basis.


00:02:37:00 – 00:03:01:19


Okay. This is the current world of drug testing. And I compare them to pregnancy tests. Okay. Point of care or instant retest the entire world uses these. These tests are right around 3 or 4 bucks to do. They have a panel of anyways like sometimes five, sometimes 14. But basically it’s this is the lateral flow the same as our easy saliva.


00:03:01:25 – 00:03:25:17


It, it goes across it has a chemical reaction positive or negative. I compare them to pregnancy tests. If anybody has kids, you know you don’t start making plans based on a pregnancy test. You go and get blood drawn. That tells you you have the specific hormone that says you’re pregnant. That’s what an analyzer is, or a screen. Most doctors doctor’s offices have these machines.


00:03:25:17 – 00:03:47:04


They’re called analyzers. Okay. The third level of testing is called a confirmation test. I compare it to an ultrasound. All of the detail that you get from an ultrasound is what a confirmation says. This is the specific drug specific. Now it’s not Wellbutrin testing positive for meth. There’s no cross-reactive. This is it identifies the molecular weight of the drug.


00:03:47:06 – 00:04:12:08


Okay. That’s the problem right now is this is what’s readily available. But this is what everyone wants. Everyone wants immediate results right here, right in front of the person. But these aren’t trusted. Just see, no point of care cups literally say in that in the insert, not for medical use, not to make medical decisions off this because they’re inaccurate.


00:04:12:10 – 00:04:34:29


And by the way, a white monster energy drink will test positive for all kinds of shit on this test. And I’ve done it in presentations where I’ve literally poured a white monster into a point of care cup, and it’s tested positive for THC. Different ones have been morphine, PCP, alcohol. The test tested positive one time in them because it’s a chemical reaction.


00:04:35:01 – 00:04:55:19


But you got to remember, if you drink a white monster, eventually it comes out. That’s why these are so inaccurate. Okay, same thing. Is this the analyzer? What’s nice about an analyzer or a screen? Can you guys still see this? No we’re not. We’re so seeing the urine. Drug testing 101. And you know, why isn’t it going through?


00:04:55:22 – 00:05:16:29


I should give this to nature. Run through and I’ll commentary on it. Seriously, you’re not seeing this. Well, you’re you’re still presenting. But when you share, did you click on the entire screen? Not it did. Let me see it. Yeah. So Google meets is weird because it you have to set it up to share the whole window versus just one screen of the window.


00:05:16:29 – 00:05:22:16


Sometimes you.


00:05:22:18 – 00:05:29:15


I guess Google meets.


00:05:29:18 – 00:05:50:12


Shit. Well so go back. So look, instead of doing all this, I’ll just I’ll just kind of explain it to you, okay? And then I’ll learn how to do this for next time. So somebody show me how to do this. But you good. Because so much on it. Let’s try real quick. Go back to presenting that where you were so present now on the bottom of the screen.


00:05:50:12 – 00:06:15:18


And then just click on there’s tabs and then there’s window and then there’s entire screen. Oh okay. Click on window and then do the PowerPoint. And that should get it better okay. Guess that’s what I had last time. But I can’t scroll through the I think you should do it. You’re in the Google Meet window right now. So you need to be in whichever window this presentation is in.


00:06:15:18 – 00:06:36:01


You can’t be looking at us while you’re trying to scroll through your slides. So is the slide changing right now? Yes. Yeah. Yeah. That one is. Yeah okay. So if I go to present are you seeing your under 101. No. See that’s messed up. You have to reshare it basically. Yeah. This is so stupid. But we can we can just do it like this.


00:06:36:02 – 00:06:54:11


I like it with just a little tiny. It works great. We can still see it really wrong. So right now, are you seeing my urine drug testing screen? Yes. Yeah. Did it change? Yeah. Okay, good. So I’ll just stick with this one then. Okay. So this is where I was talking about there’s three different types of tests.


00:06:54:11 – 00:07:19:28


The rapid one. Guys this is what everyone wants okay. But it’s inaccurate. So they want they need to have the lab confirmations. These take anywhere from if you have a really good lab 2 or 3 days. Sometimes like we’ve been talking state crime labs take six months to get results. That’s why everyone’s screaming for rapid tests. 20 Kirkup they they’re rapid, but they’re inaccurate.


00:07:19:28 – 00:07:46:10


Just so you guys know, these are about 40% accurate, 40 to 60% accurate bloodwork or screens. This is what we’re always talking about with law enforcement. They work. But again it’s identifying a class of drug. It’s not identifying an individual drug. So if I’m taking Xanax this will test positive for a benzo. But if I’m prescribed Xanax and I’m taking alprazolam this just says benzo.


00:07:46:10 – 00:08:12:09


It doesn’t nail down which drug it is a confirmation. Then what a confirmation does. This is why I compare it to, an ultrasound. It tells you exactly what drug it exactly. It tells you exactly how much there is. There’s no cross reaction. The only reason that these are problems in courts is the chain of custody where they’re saying, oh, was the sample, frozen or was it refrigerated in time?


00:08:12:09 – 00:08:35:27


Did it break down because they’re trying to get out of the information that these labs show? What starts to happen in the lab world is this and this is what I try and teach judges and attorney to everybody. I try and teach my guys to know which one you’re talking about. Because appointing Kirkup is a subjective reading. It’s my interpretation of that reading is that one line, is that two lines?


00:08:35:27 – 00:08:55:22


Is that a faint line? You know, it’s it’s you have to interpret this thing. But then it goes to a lab for an analyzer, which gives you an objective reading. It tells you you have a benzo or you have an opioid present, but there are a lot of false positives with this because different medications have different chemical reactions.


00:08:55:25 – 00:09:22:26


This is a chemical reaction, okay. That’s why sometimes the medication will Buterin will test positive for methamphetamine. They’re not super accurate. When you come down to the last one which is the confirmation on it, it’s called an LCMs or a GCMS. I compare it to an ultrasound. This tells you exactly what’s there by the molecular weight. That’s why this is the gold standard in drug testing okay.


00:09:22:28 – 00:09:44:24


The problem though is was it collected appropriately. And that’s what the number one argument in court is, which is again why our product solves all these problems. Now when I talk about drug testing, the three biggest things that I talk about. And again, for everybody on this zoom, if there’s ever questions with labs, call me about it. Okay.


00:09:44:25 – 00:10:03:27


I’ll I’ll help out with that. But there’s three things I always go over with with labs, with doctors, with therapists, anybody when they have a question about a lab. Number one, is it real? Okay. Number two, are the prescribed meds present or what else is present? This is what the labs are trying to solve for the industry right now.


00:10:03:29 – 00:10:22:00


This is something that I do right now that I teach labs what to do. Does the history match. We’re going to be adding this to PCT. The reason I’m talking about this is because validity. Is it real. Do you guys have any idea how easy it is to cheat a drug test, like if you ever looked at it?


00:10:22:00 – 00:10:54:08


I mean, I’m not saying anyone here on this call has when we start doing employee testing, but how easy it is to cheat a drug test. When I gave this last presentation, I did it to a bunch of AGS and defense attorneys down in Saint George, Utah, and on May 6th, when I was prepping this, there were 24 million websites that I googled just how to cheat a drug test, 24 million sites that are available to teach people how to cheat drug tests.


00:10:54:10 – 00:11:26:24


And just so you guys know, this is a product you can buy on Amazon. It’s now a $4 billion company. Three years ago, they were barely alive. Now you can buy this. It’s perfectly balanced for urine drug testing to pass a drug test okay. These products right now are sold everywhere, regardless of where you are. I encourage you to go to a vape store and just just so you get to know the industry with the lab industry, okay.


00:11:26:27 – 00:11:50:00


If you act nervous, don’t don’t look like me because I guess I look like an undercover cop. But go in, act nervous and just say, hey, I got to pass a drug test. What do you got? And they will sell you something to pass a drug test. These are called detox drinks. The one in red. I actually bought that in Oklahoma City because I was at a conference, and I was telling everybody how easy it is to cheat a test.


00:11:50:02 – 00:12:09:18


No one believed me. So I went to three different vape stores to buy a detox drink. Nobody would sell one to me because they said their barcode system was down. So I went to three different stores. All three of them said that their barcode system was down. So I went to a GNC and I bought this red drink.


00:12:09:21 – 00:12:37:28


According to the sales guide, this is the number one selling product in the store, $75. The way that these work is you drink on your phone with water, drink them again and you go to the bathroom. After you go to the bathroom, you have what’s called a clear detection window, where you will pass any test. People are literally high on heroin and meth, even fentanyl, and will pass drug test with this because what it does is it just nukes your kidneys and you dump everything.


00:12:38:00 – 00:12:59:19


Crazy thing about it though, is your kidneys eventually catch up. The testing, what the drug testing world is getting crushed by these products. That’s why there’s such a heavy move to oral, because you can’t use these products for oral. This is actually a product that’s out there the labs are starting to use. They can identify real urine and fake urine.


00:12:59:19 – 00:13:20:29


But again it needs to be done in the lab. It’s a specialty product. Your lab has to be calibrated for it. But this is an actual sample where you see how it’s a red dot. This company has red x red something. But what happens is it can identify if it’s real urine or not. What’s interesting about this test is you can see.


00:13:20:29 – 00:13:43:02


Can you guys still see this test? Yeah. Okay. Good. So on this remember this is all urine because urine is what is out there right now. Again when you’re talking to labs they’re they’re a urine laboratory or laboratory. But down here in their history, can you see how they’ve always had a red red, red. This person’s been cheating five times in a row now.


00:13:43:04 – 00:14:08:05


So what this therapist did is. Or this is actually a parole officer in Anchorage, Alaska. He called me about and he said, hey, we know this person’s cheating. They’re acting weird. What do we do? So I talked to that parole officer, and basically we had them wait two hours before they tested again. Now, as you can see, according to the the results of the lab, no medications were detected.


00:14:08:08 – 00:14:34:16


But we know that it was fake urine. Okay. This next slide is the same person two hours later. Now it’s green because we know that it’s real urine because all these products have worked out. But their system but they now are positive for cocaine THC and methamphetamine that these products mask. So when you talk about is it real labs right now are dealing with this problem.


00:14:34:20 – 00:14:54:10


Their clients are constantly asking them how do you detect fake your how are you trying it? How do we know that the sample we’re giving you is actually going to be identified as real or fake, and it is the number one problem labs are dealing with right now. So when we talk about the next thing that I look at, number one, is it real.


00:14:54:10 – 00:15:17:16


Number two are prescribed medications present? I’m going to skip over a lot of this because we we won’t be doing this. This is what the labs will be doing. Whatever. Every lab. Just so you know, a lab has a thing called a validation which they are looking for different drugs. Not all labs are the same. Some labs will look like Western Slope says 96 metabolites that they’re looking for.


00:15:17:18 – 00:15:46:00


Other labs might have 125 or 50 or what. It’s like their own chili recipe. Everyone’s different, but based on what they are collecting, we’ll be able to know what’s present or what’s not present, and then we’ll go through and teach them how to use them. So I’m not really going to step into that. The second thing that I look for, but this is what we’re what, just so you know, the world you’re about to get into because you’re going to get asked a lot of questions on metabolism and and metabolism breakdown.


00:15:46:02 – 00:16:09:27


But but this is my my little standing joke that I have right now. This is what the lithium. So when we click the easy saliva two we get the rapid result. But then that little amount on the second swab is sent to the lab. The machines that that sample will go on are literally looking for the molecular weight of drugs.


00:16:10:00 – 00:16:45:01


So if somebody is prescribed Suboxone, these Lc-ms machines will literally identify the molecular weight of every hydrogen, every carbon, every, nitrous. And they’ll be ignite again and they’ll be able to weigh the molecule and say, absolutely, this is Suboxone. That’s how these machines work. The cool thing about these also, though, is when you look at it, we can turn around and we can say, hey, if this equals I don’t know if you guys have kids, but Legos, this is where it gets fun with labs and doctors and everything.


00:16:45:04 – 00:17:09:01


But if I was to compare Suboxone to the Death Star, this thing has, I think 12,000 pieces to it, right? That is that is that the way metabolism works in your body? Is this the Death Star. You can your body your liver will break it down and it can turn into that and that your liver, once it hits your liver again will turn into smaller pieces.


00:17:09:01 – 00:17:33:21


It gets smaller and smaller and smaller the way that medications work. So when we swap somebody it says opioid. It goes to the lab and it says this is hydrocodone. We know it’s hydrocodone. So hydrocodone will turn into hydrocodone which will, you know boom boom boom. What does not happen. Which is funny, I was reading websites like crazy on how to beat oral drug tests.


00:17:33:24 – 00:18:01:20


And what they say does not match what the human body does. So when we educate more and more of our clients of how labs work, this becomes more and more of an indefensible tool. You cannot take one Lego and build this Lego. Does that make sense? You can’t say, I’m taking hydrocodone and it turned into fentanyl, or you can’t say I’m taking Wellbutrin, and that’s why I have methamphetamine.


00:18:01:23 – 00:18:21:09


What’s worse than that is when somebody says I was on, because this happens in court a lot. I was on a bus and a guy sneezed, and when he sneezed, the bus driver stopped and my head hit the pole. That that guy sneezed on. And because my mouth was open, that it got in my mouth. And that’s why I have methamphetamine that looks like this.


00:18:21:11 – 00:18:54:24


But you can’t take this and build this, okay? And when we are collecting these samples for a lab, we’re able to ensure that they’re actually looking at what they’re looking at instead of the stories. And you guys, the stories that people say and drug testing is, is I should write a book about it. Okay. But when we talk about what is prescribed, what’s interesting about what we have versus what everybody else has is when you do a urine drug test, you’re now getting the sample.


00:18:54:28 – 00:19:17:15


These are in the slides. The Nate shows they’re called detection windows. If I look at this right here and I say search lean. This is an antidepressant. The detection window is 1 to 4 days. So did they take it that day or did they take it four days ago? There are tons of problems in the lab world pinpointing this stuff because no one knows when they actually took it.


00:19:17:15 – 00:19:40:09


They also don’t know is this a normal level or is this a level they took a while ago versus what’s in their system right now? Okay, does the history match? This is something that we’re going to be adding to PCT to start showing the people that are using our product, more analytics so they can see trends and what’s going on.


00:19:40:11 – 00:19:59:18


Basically, you can start to see somebody right here is playing around their buprenorphine. They’re taking it at different times, different levels. And it’s showing up at different levels in their system. So the way that we’re able to collect the sample allow is the labs that we’ll be working with to have way more accurate information for them to be a lab.


00:19:59:21 – 00:20:18:04


So there’s there’s a lot of differentiations between what’s going on now versus what did I take a few days ago or this this just allows the lab to actually be better with this device. So I’m kind of skipping over a lot of these things. But here are the frequently asked questions that I get all the time. Okay. Methane.


00:20:18:04 – 00:20:48:04


Fermi. You guys know that there’s different kinds of methamphetamine out there. Legal and illegal methamphetamine. It’s what officers are trying to figure out all the time. But methamphetamine here’s here’s what happens when someone takes methamphetamine. It metabolize ice into amphetamine. That amphetamine does not get built up in the liver into methamphetamine. It only goes one direction. Livers only work in one direction.


00:20:48:06 – 00:21:08:14


However. Methamphetamine, there’s two types of methamphetamines, and we’ll be working with the lab, the different labs we work with to make sure that they have all these tests in place so that when we collect it, we’re getting as much information as possible. But there’s a thing called a D or an L isomer, okay. This is actually isolating. Which kind of methamphetamine.


00:21:08:14 – 00:21:32:10


It is a D isomer. Street meth. An L isomer is legal. Methamphetamine. Again this is something we can’t do at PCT. But the labs that we work with, when they send it off to the lab, like if somebody does an employer employee test and methamphetamine test positive, it’s one of these two meth. It’s either D or L isomer.


00:21:32:12 – 00:21:57:00


If it says D, I remember dangerous street meth. Okay. But you guys, there’s also a thing called L isomer methamphetamine. I bought these at Walgreens. I don’t know if you can zoom your screen in a little bit, but there’s two kinds of methamphetamine. There’s two kinds of these inhalers. There’s a medicated and a non medicated. The non medicated just have menthol in them.


00:21:57:02 – 00:22:25:16


The medicated ones have leave a methamphetamine in them. This will test positive. It’s a nasal inhaler. This will test positive for meth including our tests. This will test positive for meth. So people get fired over these all the time when they don’t know what they’re actually doing. So when our test as positive for meth and it’s sent off to the lab, the confirmation will come back that it’s l isomer methamphetamine.


00:22:25:16 – 00:22:55:24


That’s how detailed confirmation testing can be. Okay, another question I get all the time is alcohol. When we test, what we do is we’re identifying is alcohol currently circulating in their system on a roadside test employer test. Anybody can use our test identify is alcohol actually in their system. Remember how I told you that there are three types of tests the point of care, the screen and the confirmation.


00:22:55:26 – 00:23:21:28


Any kind of alcohol on a urine test will test positive for alcohol, meaning when an alcohol is positive on a point, Kirkup on a urine pointing, Kirkup it could actually be consumed alcohol. It could be a bladder infection, it could be a yeast infection. It could also be somebody with raging diabetes that’s out of control. Diabetes like ketoacidosis.


00:23:22:00 – 00:23:40:24


It could also be somebody that accidentally spit their mouthwash in their urine. That’s why it’s positive. Okay. Last one was a joke, by the way. So just you guys know, people usually don’t spit mouthwash in the urine unless they’re trying to cheat. But I do know of some people when they get pulled over for, for drug testing on the roadside.


00:23:40:24 – 00:24:08:24


When they are drunk, they will literally swig mouthwash so that they don’t offend the officer with bad breath. But what happens then is when you send it to the lab again, we’re the collection device. The lab will come back and they can identify the difference between consumed alcohol and positive alcohol, meaning this alcohol went through the liver. So when we say on the easy saliva, the alcohol is present.


00:24:08:24 – 00:24:33:02


That means alcohol is in their saliva. This went through their liver okay. So it’s an interesting way of looking at things. False positives are something that happen all the time with labs. It’s also one of the reasons that people don’t trust labs. When I say false positives. I don’t know if you guys have ever heard this before. It’s on the news all the time where people said, I don’t take that drug.


00:24:33:02 – 00:24:55:27


The lab said, it’s it’s a false positive. I want another lab to confirm it. What this is basically is this is saying it’s positive. But then the second level of testing negates the first or the third level of testing negates the second, and the first. It’s called a false positive. It’s one of the questions I ask Doctor Gerges.


00:24:55:27 – 00:25:23:28


Luckily, Nate trusted me enough to just drill Doctor Gervase with a lot of questions before I really jumped on board. One of the nice things about what the easy slide is you you guys remember how Nate always talks about the solution? These are pre soaked in. That solution is what buffers and actually cleans the drug. So that when it does go through the easy saliva we’re getting a clean sample in the test.


00:25:24:01 – 00:25:54:14


We’re not getting all the other nasties. We’re not getting cross reactions. And that’s why this objective test that labs are currently doing are easy. Saliva literally is this level of testing with an accurate amount or with an accurate result. That solution is literally what gives us a clean test. So when people disregard these because they know that they’re not accurate, we will literally be able to say ours are accurate and they give you the point of care.


00:25:54:17 – 00:26:18:10


So the false positives is actually, again fixed with the easy saliva to this is something labs do not have right now. And it’s really hard for them because they’re constantly getting phone calls from doctors saying, why does this say this? But your test says this and it’s it will be nice for them to not have to deal with it anymore by using easy saliva.


00:26:18:12 – 00:26:45:01


So this is something Mike Trenton just joined. Do you want to mention that part again real quick and it’ll be good for everyone to hear it again. The false positives go over the false positives. And then what our test does. So when I when I poured that, white monster into a point of care cup, whatever’s in the white monster is having a chemical reaction to those strips.


00:26:45:01 – 00:27:07:22


That’s why some are positive, some are negative. I can take four different cups, pour the same monster into all four and get different readings because again, remember it’s a chemical reaction. But if I drink that monster and I pee in four different cups, I’m going to get four different results. It’s absolutely insane that this is the standard right now.


00:27:07:25 – 00:27:31:12


This is the standard for drug testing. But then what happens is because nobody trust these, they sent them to allow the first thing they do is they go over the screen and the screen is going to say, oh, a benzo is present, or an opioid is present based on what this is saying, a false positive is when this says one thing, this says another, then this says another.


00:27:31:14 – 00:27:57:03


By the way, can you see my mouse on the screen? Yeah. Okay, good. Because otherwise I’d probably confuse the hell out of everybody. So remember too, this is also a chemical reaction. This screen is a chemical reaction. So drug different medications will test positive for different medications. I’ve seen it over and over again where Wellbutrin or Vue propane on test positive for meth on an analyzer.


00:27:57:05 – 00:28:18:20


But then the confirmation will come back and say no, this is Wellbutrin at this level, or this is actually methamphetamine at this level. Labs right now are constantly fighting this argument. Right now, my cup says this. Why does your lab say this? Or why is it that this cup says this, this lab said positive and then the confirmation says something different?


00:28:18:22 – 00:28:39:15


Again, it’s one of the reasons I do education is because the end user of the lab, whichever lab we’re talking to, the client that is using that lab is confused as hell because they’re getting three different results on the same urine sample. And you should see it in court when you have three different results. And everyone’s trying to argue over which one to listen to.


00:28:39:17 – 00:28:58:16


So this is the final standard that will hold up in court is the confirmation. This is what labs do right here. This these two tests are literally thrown out all the time. But this is the number one headache for labs is dealing with the inconsistencies between these two.


00:28:58:18 – 00:29:25:17


Okay. What we’re able to do is to take a rapid sample with this level of accuracy backed up by the lab. We remove all of the problems with this test. Not all the problems. But again, you guys, after eight years of doing lab stuff, I’ve never seen anything like this that will make labs better than easy saliva to.


00:29:25:19 – 00:29:53:29


These are some different results on positives and false false positives. False negatives. But what it really boils down to is this is an example of what a false positive looks like in the lab world. Can you see right here where it says a benzodiazepine positive. But up here quetiapine is identified the inside telegram. Citalopram is a Benz. So I know that this is saying one’s present.


00:29:53:29 – 00:30:19:14


This is saying which one and how much a false positive is the screen. And the cup says fentanyl is present but fentanyl hasn’t been identified. Therefore this is a false positive. I’m sorry I said that wrong. Not those access. And right there oxy has a Pam is the benzo. So one report is saying positive. This is confirming that this benzo was present.


00:30:19:17 – 00:30:43:05


But when fentanyl is identified there’s no fentanyl identified. Therefore this fentanyl right here is false positive. I don’t expect you guys to remember all this stuff. This is the world you’re about to go into, okay? Labs are dealing with problems all the time, and one of the biggest problems they have is those point of care cups are different than what the labs say.


00:30:43:05 – 00:31:03:01


And they’re always trying to explain that. And the way they try and explain it is stop using point of care cups and just go to the lab. But then the argument for the provider is labs take 4 or 5 days. I need to know what’s going on right now. Therefore, it’s amazing how well the easy saliva solves all those problems.


00:31:03:03 – 00:31:29:20


Marijuana. This is like the bane of labs existence right now. This right here. Actually, I don’t know if anyone here uses marijuana or whatever, but these are CBD gummies. I actually bought these at a Sinclair here in Utah. But can you see this little thing right here, this Delta nine that’s called Delta nine? Delta nine is actually spice is synthetic marijuana.


00:31:29:22 – 00:31:55:22


So people that are doing CBD with this product right here and you have to specifically buy this product. You can’t just buy it just directly over the counter. You got to show your ID. But this is marijuana, you guys. This is spice. You’ll get high off of this and everyone is using it thinking that it’s just CBD. But this shows up as t o h or the metabolite of marijuana.


00:31:55:25 – 00:32:22:02


Marijuana has a really, really long detection window. It can state it’s sporting or fat. And so it there is a long detection window. It doesn’t stay active, but it can show up in drug tests for 27 to 30 days. But it’s not active. So the argument that happens all the time is marijuana shows up in somebody’s system. But then the question 100% of the time pops up.


00:32:22:04 – 00:32:51:09


Is it active THC or was it marijuana they did months or weeks ago? They don’t have the answer to that. The only way they can tell right now is doing multiple labs, and hope that that number keeps going down. The ability that we have to say that this is active THC that is circulating in their system right now is a huge differentiation in what is currently going on with THC testing, market, because right now you have to clean your system.


00:32:51:09 – 00:33:13:01


I don’t know what happened. You’re fired or you got in an accident. All the THC caused that. But in all reality, you guys, it could be marijuana from a week ago. Two weeks ago, instead of what they did that afternoon or that night, or even during lunch. Okay, so there are tons and tons of issues right now nationwide with marijuana.


00:33:13:03 – 00:33:32:00


They do not have a solution to it, which is again another reason for the easy saliva test. There are such things as contact positives, meaning if you’re around, have you ever heard I don’t know if you guys have ever heard of the term hot boxing, but hot boxing is. I don’t know if you’ve ever pulled up behind a car.


00:33:32:02 – 00:33:53:02


You can’t see anybody because there’s so much smoke in the car, or they roll down the windows and it just comes billowing out. That’s called hot boxing. If you’re hot boxing with people doing heroin, you’ll have heroin in your system. If if you’re doing the same thing with meth, with THC, all these things that are if they’re inhaled and I’m not talking about, hey, I smell marijuana.


00:33:53:05 – 00:34:01:16


I don’t know if you guys have been to a concert, and it’s just that green smoke everywhere. Chances are you’re going to be positive.


00:34:01:18 – 00:34:28:05


Poppy seeds, bagels. These are all the things that the liver affects, which affects urine. Being able to do saliva with a morphine positive changes the conversation. Where this goes away. You don’t have to say a muffin bagel or a poppy seed bagel converted into morphine, which then your liver converted into codeine, which doesn’t happen. But then it came out in your urine as morphine.


00:34:28:07 – 00:34:50:17


An oral test can identify you have morphine circulating in your system. Again you guys, all the majority of these problems that labs are facing. This fixes, random drugs. I don’t know if you guys vape, if anyone here vapes, if they vape. I hope you guys are using disposable vapes because people have no idea what is in vape oil.


00:34:50:20 – 00:35:16:03


I spend lab results that have, gabapentin, Wellbutrin, morphine, heroin, a fentanyl in vape oil. And it’s because people are buying vape blends instead of, like, disposable vape cartridges. And so anyways, be careful with anybody that you know that vapes. I strongly recommend they use disposable vapes, not the refillable ones, because there’s all kinds of shit in those.


00:35:16:05 – 00:35:39:06


In those. So what I wanted to and I’m way over my time. Nate, thanks for not killing me. This slide right here. Okay. These are the three types of tests that labs are currently doing. There’s a need for each one of them, but because they’re so different, they don’t communicate with each other. Everyone wants point of care. They want rapid results.


00:35:39:06 – 00:36:07:16


We do that. They also want an analyzer to be able to make sure that they’re accurate results. We do that. They also want confirmation. We do that. It’s crazy to think that this little product okay is easy to use. These are the things I want you to remember more than anything else, okay? This product allows ease of use, really quick rapid results, but the results are accurate.


00:36:07:19 – 00:36:32:25


You cannot compare this, this test to a rapid urine test. They are literally night and day difference because of the solution that we have. You actually get, accurate results. Then the third thing is the chain of custody. Being able to lock this in place and send it to a lab gives you all three tests in one sample collection.


00:36:32:28 – 00:36:56:25


And when we go out into the lab world, they’re screaming for solutions that this provides. So if you keep it simple and then all that, Nate, you can literally go from here. From here, it literally solves 99% of the lab problems with this one device because they’re dancing around trying to find solutions right now. Trust me, I’ve done consulting for multiple labs.


00:36:56:28 – 00:37:20:26


These are the problems. So and that’s kind of the touch point I there’s a lot of other clinical things that I go through with judges. But but that’s my, I spend a lot more time answering clinical questions of how and what why, but but just the reality you guys of even for employers, they, they do that rapid cut and they don’t know what the hell it means.


00:37:20:26 – 00:37:42:14


They send it off. The lab employee still argues everything because you don’t have what is needed. And that’s what that’s what this fixes. So. Thank you. You’re getting a lot of cheers. Do you guys have any questions you want to ask Mike right now? About what he went over?


00:37:42:16 – 00:38:18:06


I just want to say thanks. I don’t have a question, and I’m sure I will, but, it was really insightful. And that is something that we can also do lab work. I have a question. Labs real well, this. So I have a question on ask. So you talked about how, alcohol. So the saliva test for using the easy saliva test can can can detect the difference between mouthwash and saliva that’s generated that came from alcohol in the liver through the easiest laboratory tech.


00:38:18:06 – 00:38:39:09


The difference now what is going to happen is so take my example where I get pulled over I know I’m drunk. So I grab some mouthwash and I use the mouthwash. And when I do the breathalyzer is going to test positive. I’m just saying what exists today. Right. Well I’m going to say well I got really bad breath and I use mouthwash.


00:38:39:09 – 00:39:00:13


That’s why I have alcohol in my system. Then the officers turn around and say okay, well I don’t believe that they got to go through all these, but they’re constantly throwing steps in the way. If they were do the easy saliva, it would absolutely say alcohol, which then shows you have alcohol in your system. You get arrested, you go and send it off for confirmation.


00:39:00:16 – 00:39:34:25


The confirmation will then differentiate this is alcohol present or this is consumed metabolize alcohol. The lab will be able to back us up. What we’re saying okay. And then okay. And that’s from the easy easy saliva test to run. And the preface of we’re not confirming alcohol specimens yet. We just haven’t had a lab that’s been able to try it out because typically saliva can’t be detected in alcohol because by the time it gets to the lab, the alcohol is dispersed enough that you can’t detect it any more in the sample.


00:39:34:27 – 00:39:57:12


We believe that our solution will fix that. But, the previous labs that have done testing and validated this, they’ve never tested for alcohol. So they didn’t have a way to do it. So we’re just waiting. I think American talks can do it right. Mike. And we talked to them about it. So once they do their validation with the drugs we’re going to have them do it on alcohol and see if we can do a lot of information out on alcohol.


00:39:57:14 – 00:40:22:10


For now, if they do test positive for alcohol, the best thing to do is a blood confirmation. But there’s a delay, which is a problem, which is the whole problem and why we’re solving it. There’s a delay from when you do the saliva test. See the positive for alcohol on the screen, and then you have to take them to someplace to get a drug test or to get a blood draw, and then that gets sent to the lab and then that gets run.


00:40:22:12 – 00:40:44:25


There’s that delay that it dissipates really quickly. Alcohol just gets out of the system fast. That you know, that we’re trying to fix. So best thing to do right now blood test hopefully are liquid preserves. The alcohol for confirmations. And you got to remember to we can’t boil the ocean. We can’t fix everything. But with what the labs have an existing system.


00:40:44:25 – 00:40:58:00


This is a silver bullet for them. It won’t fix everything, right. But they they can’t fix the problem right now of a rapid result is accurate.


00:40:58:03 – 00:41:23:16


Yeah. All right. Great questions again. Thank you Mike for doing that. We’re going to have many more trainings on stuff like this. I have some stuff that I’m going to go over that it’s going to be more high level stuff as far as the labs go. I and this is going to help you guys, ton, when you’re talking to the labs, because right now you just see lab and you have no idea what the structure is or what it looks like or anything, that kind of stuff or what they deal with.


00:41:23:19 – 00:41:45:14


This is going to explain all of that. And then, Mike, if you can share your PowerPoint in the lab sales folder, that way people can have access to it and they can look it over and then ask more questions later in the future. It’s hard to upload my color commentary, I know. Right? Well. Oh. Okay. That’s why we have this video.


00:41:45:16 – 00:42:12:12


All right. I’m going to go into full screen. Can guys see it full screen. Yes. All right, all right. Lab sales 101 from the administrative side, not the science side like what Mike talked about. I just want you guys to see a picture of the difference between a chemistry analyzer and an LCMs machine, and then the LCMs stands for liquid chromatography mass spectrometry.


00:42:12:14 – 00:42:38:05


So nobody wants to say that. And that’s why we call it LCMs. There’s also GCMs, which is gas chromatography mass spectrometry spectrometry, which obviously uses gases versus liquid. And that’s the difference. LCMs is kind of the standard now in lab. I don’t like this. I don’t like not being able to like you guys. I, me do it this way.


00:42:38:08 – 00:42:59:09


It’s kind of the standard now for confirmations. I for example, Missouri, the lab in Missouri was using GCMS machines and they just spent a whole bunch of money and got a huge grant to be able to switch over from GCMs to LCMs. Now, I’m not going to go over the science as to why it’s better and better than it.


00:42:59:09 – 00:43:25:01


I just know the LCMs is better, and I have a very sales minded person active with all these things, so I’m not going to I know the details. I just don’t know the high level stuff. I don’t know all the details. But the mass spectrometry machines are huge chemistry analyzers you can buy for ten, 20, 30,000 used 70,000 for the really nice ones, but they are just a screening.


00:43:25:03 – 00:43:48:21


The nice thing about these is they can screen really quickly when you put it into a machine. When you put a bunch of samples, you’re not just going to do one sample. You typically load up the machine with a bunch of different samples at the same time, and then it will give it’ll run all of those samples. Think of like a dishwasher that’s just running a load, and then it’ll pop out and it’ll say what those results were.


00:43:48:23 – 00:44:11:14


These ones, you can screen things really fast. You can get a rundown in like 30, 45 minutes, I think is how long it takes with an LCMs. When you’re loading, you’re typically loading about 80 samples at a time, and it will take eight hours for it to run through the whole process 8 to 16 hours, eight and 16 hours.


00:44:11:14 – 00:44:34:07


True. So I’m a lab tech. I’m putting the samples in, I put it, I put in a batch of 80 samples, and then I run the machine. By the time I’m off my shift, sometimes, depending on how they do their hours, because the sample will be done. But I’m done with work. I’m already out. And so you have a new lab tech doing it.


00:44:34:10 – 00:45:08:03


So that’s where the screening comes into play. When you’re doing a huge, confirmation, it takes forever. And it’s very complicated in the process. And that’s why you want to screen as much as you can. And that’s where the screening. That’s why we just don’t do confirmations for everyone. So some machines are just tabletop machines like this where they’re pretty big, but they and they go across the whole table and then other machine machines are massive and they can do much more at a time, which is the advantage of these ones.


00:45:08:05 – 00:45:34:25


And they, yeah, they’re just huge. These ones will cost anywhere from 100,000 to 500,000 before Covid. After Covid, a bunch of labs started, with Covid, they made a bunch of money during Covid and then Covid ran out, Covid money ran out. And so all these labs that had Covid money were trying to figure out, what are we going to do to make money again?


00:45:34:28 – 00:45:54:29


And so a lot of them went into drug testing, because that’s very similar to the Covid reimbursements and very similar model. But they couldn’t make it like us. Yeah, we couldn’t validate the LCA. We can validate these is live in time. And then before then we couldn’t sell it to clinical. So all of our clientele, the best clientele out there we couldn’t even sell to.


00:45:55:01 – 00:46:20:06


So we shut down the lab. So then we sold our LCMs machine really cheap. So right now there’s a bunch of LCMs machines on the market that are super cheap post-Covid. But before they were like 200,000 $300,000, these big ones were like $700,000 LCMs machines. So just really expensive. Which is good for you guys to know. We are replacing the chemistry analyzers.


00:46:20:08 – 00:46:42:21


So a lot of labs are doing the screening at the lab, and they bill for reimbursement for that. Everything is about reimbursement, by the way. I don’t like labs. The owners of labs, I would say, and Mike is going to agree with this. 95% of lab owners do not give a crap about how, about helping people they care about reimbursement.


00:46:42:23 – 00:47:04:07


That’s like, that’s why people start labs most of the time, 100%. They’re not there to save the world. They’re not. They don’t care. They literally don’t. They want to save the world to be a nurse. They’d be a doctor. They do something else. Lab owners just see it as a as a money generating machine. And so we are replacing their screens.


00:47:04:09 – 00:47:24:27


And that will be a dynamic when you’re talking to these labs because they’re going to say, okay, when I get it back to the lab, how do I run it through the chemistry analyzer? And you say, no, you don’t need to, because the strips are the screen that we’re using. So just so you guys know, that dynamic and then the lab confirmation will be through the alchemist machine.


00:47:24:29 – 00:47:36:22


Now, there’s a bunch of different levels of LCMs machines based off of there. And specificity is based off of the.


00:47:36:24 – 00:47:56:26


How? I don’t even know how to explain it, but like how deep it looks into things. So like some alchemist machines are really good for urine based off of the chemistry of your own urine. And then some are better quality for saliva. There’s a range. So LCMs isn’t just it’s not just one machine. There’s like levels of the sensitivities that they will detect.


00:47:56:29 – 00:48:14:23


And so some of them are going to be better than others. They have a bunch of numbers behind them or before them. Go ahead Mike. What happens is you can use the same machine on anything. But you have to have it specifically calibrated for Our Lady in your testing. So the I know of some labs that this LC and this machine is for blood, this one is for urine.


00:48:14:23 – 00:48:37:27


This one is for oral, that you can’t just pick and choose which one they have to be calibrated and only that medium can go on it. So it’s also a good filtering question. Do you guys do oral testing right now? If they say no, then that means they’re not even calibrated for that. Yeah. And that is important for you guys to know so that you can understand where they’re coming from and the process that it’s going to take.


00:48:38:00 – 00:48:57:15


So like again, Missouri, they just got a bunch of LCMs machines and they just calibrated it for urine. And so then I was like, hey, we want you to do saliva. And she’s like, are you kidding me? That’s going to be so that’s going to take so much time. It’s going to be so expensive. We’re probably going to need to get new dedicated machines for it, yada yada.


00:48:57:16 – 00:49:19:18


Yeah. So we’re working on getting a grant for them. She’s really excited. She she really likes this. We just need to get them a grant to be able to do that. So question about that real fast. With something like that, that coroner’s office that had a bunch of blood in the sample, would that affect which calibration they would need to run their sample through?


00:49:19:20 – 00:49:36:12


I that’s a question for the lab. Honestly, I wanted to ask Western Slope stat because it’s a mixture of blood and saliva. And so it’s a thicker solution than what they’re typically running right now on their machines. So they may not want to we may have to get, you know, a different lab that wants to do that. Yeah.


00:49:36:12 – 00:50:00:22


It’s a good question. We run into it. Yeah. Yeah. Because if a coroner was doing it and blood was in the oral sample, that might contaminate the machine. So they would probably have to just do an additional step to spin the blood out. Yeah. Because it could contaminate the machine. And that’s also the nice thing about the solution is you can take our solution QC the prep work that is needed to go on these things takes hours to do.


00:50:00:25 – 00:50:25:29


You have to take right, right now when we’re, samples come in, the tech has to spin those down. There’s all these steps that they have to do with current saliva samples to even get them onto the machine, or they can take the solution directly from the saliva easy saliva to and put it on the machine. Now, if it was a coroner doing it and there was blood there, they would have to look at it and make sure that it was clean to go on.


00:50:25:29 – 00:50:49:28


So there’s people would want that business, but it would take another step if they identified one. So Trenton’s on this call. He’s run into this where we’ve been on the call with a lab, manager or a lab tech. And they were asking, okay, what does the prep work look like? What is the process to look like? Because they always want to know what your standard operating procedure is so that they can know how to replicate that because they don’t want to start it from scratch.


00:50:50:00 – 00:51:12:17


That’s what a new study is for, is you’re you’re testing stuff out. But we already have a method that works. We’ve already created that method now they’re just going to replicate it, which makes their job a lot easier. But yeah, with saliva because it’s so gunky. These machines are so finicky and they are very expensive to replace and to fix constantly, but they always run down.


00:51:12:24 – 00:51:42:16


When we had our lab in Utah and we use this and we’re doing the the validation for the easy saliva to just test it out and see if it even worked with the solution. This machine was down probably two out of every four weeks with some new problem. And we had, you know, the lab director that was doing the validation and creating the method was constantly trying to tweak this and constantly tweaking the machine, trying to fix it.


00:51:42:18 – 00:52:03:02


She was teaching our lab tech how to fix the machine so the lab techs don’t don’t just. No need to know how the how to put the sample in and how to, you know, prep the sample so that it can run through the machine smoothly. They also need to know how the machine actually works, so that if there’s a problem, they can test, you know, test out different ways to fix that problem.


00:52:03:04 – 00:52:23:14


So the lab techs are there, they’re pretty awesome. And they’re asked to do a lot. They have to be basically engineers on top of chemists at the same time. So yeah, this is this is just important for you guys to know. These machines, they do amazing work. As you can see with these lab reports, they’re super extensive lab reports.


00:52:23:14 – 00:52:55:25


The cutoff levels are really, really low, meaning they can detect the tiniest traces of drugs in a tiny sample, which is phenomenal. But they just they take a lot of work, and they’re expensive. Our machine. So our liquid will clean this machine with the other. So with, with Abbott’s Quant, it’s all test. They have a blue buffer solution, and that solution will bog down.


00:52:55:25 – 00:53:18:18


And because it uses heavy chemicals, over time, it’ll bog down. It’ll clog up the machine. And they have to clean the machine after every run. That’s the eight hour run or batch of samples with our liquid. They don’t have to clean it anymore because it’s already getting cleaned. As you’re putting the liquid in, which is huge because it saves them so much time to be able to do more runs.


00:53:18:18 – 00:53:39:06


Because instead of having to stop the oil and run clean out the machine for two hours and then do another run, they can just constantly do it. And instead of having to prep the sample and spin it out and make sure that it’s really, really, you know, fluid. I don’t even know how that fluid, friendly, fluid, friendly samples and get all the gunk out.


00:53:39:07 – 00:54:01:10


They can just directly take the sample from the easy saliva device and put it directly into the machine on a run. That saves them again, a ton of time. So guys, I’ve been in sales meetings with labs where they literally say push urine over oral because of the scientists saying I hate oral because of the time they have to spend cleaning machines.


00:54:01:13 – 00:54:21:07


So they’re like, if you can push urine over oral all day long, push it. Yep. So that’s like, again, this is all good stuff. Training just left. I want to come back because he’s been running into this already as he’s been selling into labs and there’s a bad stigma from lab techs and lab scientists towards oral fluid.


00:54:21:10 – 00:54:44:08


And they just don’t like it. They don’t respond well. They don’t think it works that well, because the best thing out there, the best thing out there sucks, which is the cortisol test. And they’re just used to it now and they’re like, all right, that is what it is. So we’re completely disrupting this market in this industry, not just on the sales side and the rehab side and those and that testing side, but also on the lab side.


00:54:44:10 – 00:55:04:27


We’re changing everything. I’ve got a whole presentation that I’m going to put into, the sales folder that is specifically geared towards the easy solution towards labs and how it helps them and how it makes their life easier. All right. Any questions on the LCMs machine just does that. Is this helpful? Do you guys feel like you’re learning a lot about the lab side?


00:55:05:00 – 00:55:28:06


Yes. Sweet. So now let’s go into the structure of a lab. Labs really don’t need that many people. The smaller labs, you can run a lab with 3 to 5 people. The bigger labs, you’re going to have more people in the mix, like salespeople and stuff like that. But this is how they’re structured. You got the owners who just think of them as greedy, greedy.


00:55:28:08 – 00:55:54:22


And I won’t say the next word, but greedy people. And that’s just that’s how they all are. It’s I was so frustrated, you know, they. Yeah, that’s just how they are for the most part. Then you have the laboratory entity. You’re going to have what’s called the lab director. Now this title is kind of confusing because you’d think that the lab director is directing the lab, in, in the operations, in the day to day stuff.


00:55:54:25 – 00:56:19:00


They don’t they are just the hired scientists that you have to have on board that will their name will be signed off on every test that’s done. So there. Think of them is the as the lab science director more than anything, the lab science director. These guys don’t usually unless they’re a big, big lab, they don’t usually live at the lab or work at the one lab.


00:56:19:02 – 00:56:45:12


They will typically have 5 to 6 other clients or different labs that they’re the lab director for. And you have to have a lab director who is qualified to be able to be the lab director to meet the standards of clear. And if you don’t have a lab director or a scientist who meets those standards, who’s doing QC and quality control on your methods, then you can’t have a lab.


00:56:45:14 – 00:57:08:25


And this is where the LTT versus FDA approval comes into play. I don’t I’m going to go over a lot. And if this is too much, you guys can always ask questions later. The FDA in the past, as of two weeks ago, before two weeks ago, the FDA ruled everything that was point of care results or over-the-counter results, right?


00:57:08:29 – 00:57:36:06


Any medical device that you could be giving the results, not at the lab the FDA was in charge of when you were at the lab. They were, they were ruled under clear. That’s the governing body. It’s the certified laboratory, something Association. Clear is the governing body. If you want to start a lot. Mike. Michael. And you want to go start doing Covid testing or start doing drug testing, you would go to Clea and they would give you a license.


00:57:36:08 – 00:58:02:24


After you find your lab director who is going to be meeting the standards that they want, and that way you’re able to do it so you can sell a test that the lab results. If it’s sent back to the lab and the lab results, it doesn’t need to be FDA approved. It’s called laboratory developed test certification. You developed it at a lab, and you’re resulting in at a lab that is controlled with the lab director in charge.


00:58:02:27 – 00:58:21:23


And so there’s a lot of leeway for people to be able to do stuff, which is great. The FDA recently and this has been a huge, huge fight and battle going on right now. Legally, the FDA has been stepping into the lab world and saying, hey, we want to be in charge of all the let’s, and we want to take over Clea, essentially.


00:58:21:25 – 00:58:38:01


And the labs have been freaking out because everyone hates the FDA because they’re so slow and they want to control everything. And, they recently announced that in the next in the coming years, they are going to step in. There’s legislation that passed. The FDA is going to be in charge of Clea. So labs have been freaking out.


00:58:38:01 – 00:58:56:15


If you start adding labs on LinkedIn, they talk about this all the time. That’s what they’re always posting about and always talking about, but now we know that the FDA, when they did that, they realized, hey, if we’re going to step in the lab role and try and control the labs, we can’t control the class one. Class two devices as much as we can.


00:58:56:17 – 00:59:25:09


And so it actually ended up helping us out. But yeah. So that’s that’s kind of the world. You need the lab director, but they don’t typically live there, and they don’t typically do anything other than just help with the methods. So when they actually do decide, whoever the decision makers are and they do decide that they want to validate our test, it’s going to go through the lab director, and the lab director is going to be the one pushing the validation, which is just testing it on the machines, making sure that you get the results that you’re expecting and that kind of stuff.


00:59:25:11 – 00:59:44:00


The lab manager is the operations. This is the day to day person. This guy is the one. They don’t always they’re not always a lab, a chemist, but they’re the people managing the lab techs that come in every day to work and managing their hours, making sure that they’re good, managing the processes of the lab, that they have enough supplies, all that kind of stuff.


00:59:44:02 – 01:00:05:28


And then you have the lab nurse. So I’ve experienced this just so you guys are aware, I, I kind of contacted a lab and the lab manager is super gung. Cullen wants to meet with us, but he needs the lab director. He won’t like the lab director’s approval, and he wants the lab director to talk to me with.


01:00:05:28 – 01:00:29:00


The only day the lab director works is Sunday. And he comes in for, like, two hours on Sunday. Yeah. And I’ve tried emailing him and calling him and nothing. No response. So just so you guys are aware. So I’m not ready into something like that. Yeah. Thank you. Training. Yeah. That’s it. That’s exactly it. And this is why it’s important to know.


01:00:29:00 – 01:00:47:01


So don’t zone out right now. This is important to know because you got to know who you’re going to talk to and who you’re asking for. The lab manager is all about helping the lab be successful. The lab director is trying to make sure that their license isn’t pulled, and so they’re going to be much more conservative on any new stuff, anything new.


01:00:47:08 – 01:01:05:10


They’re going to be very conservative. So you got to get everybody behind it. And it’s just a process. But you’re never going to get Ahold of the lab director directly, so don’t ask for that. All right. And then you have an exception here. Has anybody heard this word before? Well, I didn’t until I got to the word work.


01:01:05:14 – 01:01:25:15


The lab space. These are the people that when you ship the test to the lab, these are the people that take it in. They take in the shipment, and they scan all the barcodes for all the samples, plug them into the the system, and then they hand them off to the lab tech. The lab tech will then do what they need to do to, run it through a machine, whatever that is.


01:01:25:22 – 01:01:43:01


So these are the shippers? Yeah. They take incoming shipments and they’re the people that ship out. They’re the people that do all the numbers things. And then you have the lab sales. Obviously they’re going to have some sales reps if they’re good. And then you have the administrative. Do you have the legal, the marketing? Sometimes the legal can just be lawyers that they just consult with.


01:01:43:01 – 01:02:07:04


So it’s not necessarily an employee. And then the billing team and this is the fun part. I’m going to share with this when you are what resident Julie knows this because she helped with the billing team many times. And it is what how would you describe the billing work, Julie? No, because you don’t like those words. I would say,


01:02:07:06 – 01:02:26:04


All right, it sucks, I hate it. There’s only certain types of people that can handle it. And the types of people that can handle are usually really detail oriented and really good at just my new work that is, it’s just they don’t want to pay, they don’t want to pay. And they, they, they want to frustrate you enough that you give up.


01:02:26:10 – 01:02:46:10


It’s a no. Yeah. And she’s talking about the insurance companies. So whenever you do a lab test, if a doctor signs off on the test stating that it was medically necessary, the doctor has to order a test. Otherwise you can’t just do a lab test and bill it to somebody’s insurance. You have to have a medical reason for why you did that test.


01:02:46:12 – 01:03:03:11


And so usually you need a doctor to sign off on it. So if if that if the doctor signs off on it, you can then bill it to their insurance. And you use different codes to bill insurance because you’re not going to write out I did a lab test on this person. You’re just going to use a code.


01:03:03:14 – 01:03:34:14


And they’re called CPT codes, and they’re codes that correlate with different types of tests that are done. So for example, presumptive testing, if you do a chemistry analyzer, if you’re just doing a screen, then you’re going to use the G0 six, five nine code. The typical Medicare reimbursement is $20.67, and the typical Medicaid reimbursement is $21.67. It is all over the place when it comes to other types of insurance.


01:03:34:14 – 01:03:58:06


If you’re talking to Blue Cross Blue Shield, Select health, Aetna, whoever you’re talking to, they will typically they you know they’re trying to pay you as little as possible. That’s what insurance does. And they’re also not out there to save lives. They’re out there to make money. You got to understand that. And so they there’s a constant fight between health care providers who are giving health care and insurance companies who don’t want to pay.


01:03:58:08 – 01:04:19:26


And it’s just you’re fighting all the time. This is this is the reason why we are selling to labs for cash and letting them bill because their reimbursement can be higher. They can make a lot more money. But I don’t want to deal with that right now. I want to just get the flow in my. I feel like you’ve got a bunch of comments that you’re holding back to me.


01:04:19:28 – 01:04:44:05


Yeah, go go back to the organizational structure for a second. Okay. So just so you guys know, when you’re talking to labs, the people in blue, they got that job because they don’t want to talk to people. Yeah. They they want to work in the lab. They want to read the instruments. They didn’t go into that because of their social IQ.


01:04:44:07 – 01:05:04:27


They don’t like people. And so trying to get a meeting with them is like seriously pulling their toenails out. They hate it. So if they want it, if the other people want you to talk to them, great. But if you target that audience, you will never get it. They hate talking to people, the people in purple. They want to make money.


01:05:05:04 – 01:05:24:14


They want to make their bonuses. They’re the ones you’re going to want to talk to, okay? The marketing directors, the sales guys, because this gives them something different to go out and sell. But when you immediately start going after the lab director or the the techs or some, it’s just you’re not getting anywhere. And and then what’s the other section?


01:05:24:17 – 01:05:42:25


It’s lab sales. I should put this over in purple because it’s it’s really it’s really the people that are trying to make money and, and then the scientists who just love the science. And that’s why they got into it. You’ll get the scientists on board with, oh, this makes my life easier. But but going that first direction is true.


01:05:42:26 – 01:06:01:25


Yeah. And then when it comes to the building side, eventually we’ll have meetings with their biller as well. And then the cost will I mean, I’ve had so many conversations about this. Right. But, regardless of who buys the tests, the labs will make money. Yeah. And there’s a few things we’ve got to get through with them again.


01:06:01:25 – 01:06:23:03


Use Nate and I on those conversations to help out because, the other thing you do have to realize when we’re talking about labs is there’s a huge difference between in network labs and out of network labs. Okay, in network labs have contracts, they get paid on this all the time. Every sample that they send and they get paid on, which is fantastic.


01:06:23:03 – 01:06:43:05


It’s like a simple code. They get they billing pay out of network labs have to fight for everything. And when it comes to the drug testing world, I would honestly say 90% of the labs are out of network labs. They are averaging 30% reimbursed. They’re getting paid on 30% of what their labs are. So let’s give an example.


01:06:43:07 – 01:07:13:10


Let’s say that you’re billing for a lab confirmation and you’re expecting to get paid $284. You really end up getting paid 80 bucks. Actually, not even that. If I’m billing that that code right there and say I send off ten samples, I get paid on three of them. Yeah, pull them out, but only on three. Yeah. Whereas if I’m in in network lab and I bill for that, I get paid on 8 or 9 of them.


01:07:13:12 – 01:07:34:12


And so the in in network labs are they’re making bank. So drug testing out of network labs are struggling to stay alive right now. And to explain that and network labs are labs that have contracts with. And so you basically you you said hey I’m a lab. You’re an insurance company. Let’s get a contract that every time that we do a lab test, you’re going to pay us.


01:07:34:14 – 01:07:56:02


Yep. Everybody wants to be in a network lab because you, you know, you have this agreement with the insurance provider, but they don’t. They stopped giving contracts essentially, years back. And it’s really just the big companies out there that have contracts and the little guys are just struggling. So if you’re an out of network in that lab, you have no contract with the insurance company to pay you.


01:07:56:04 – 01:08:18:05


So you can build them all day long and you can say, hey, I did this, or your patient had did this for your patient, but they don’t have that same requirement to pay you and they choose not to. Surprisingly. Yeah. And so it’s just frustrating. So you just to expect to not get paid on everything that you do, and then you just got to figure out ways to get paid the best you can.


01:08:18:07 – 01:08:37:06


And you, you test out things that work, and then you drop things that don’t work. And we will be included in a lot of new packages for readmission to in network status, because they have a new collection device is more accurate. We’re going to be included in a lot of re submission for and network status because they use us.


01:08:37:11 – 01:08:53:19


Is there a way to figure out whether or not a lab is in network or out of network? Before you talk to somebody, you just ask them. Yeah. And typically the older the lab is, the more likely they were able to get a contract when they give them out because they do not, you know, stop doing it like ten years ago.


01:08:53:22 – 01:09:20:25


Yeah. In 2015, the insurance world put an absolute kibosh on labs because of how much fraud there was. Yeah, literally they shut everything down because of how much fraud there was. And they really haven’t allowed any in network labs in the last, well, since 2015. So and we could go all day long about. Yeah. It’s interesting. I want to I think and this is who we’re dealing with.


01:09:20:27 – 01:09:43:24


I wanna share with you guys the Forest Park is is why you’re finding that. Is there a difference like in clear certifications. Like you’ve got your waiver and your accreditation is, are those going to affect the kind of labs that we’re going after? It’ll. No, because clear clear is an open. Anyone can get a clear lab, a doctor’s office, anyone can get a clear lab.


01:09:43:24 – 01:10:08:23


But what happens is once you’re clear approved, you can start billing people, take that clear accreditation and then apply to Blue Cross Blue Shield, UnitedHealthCare or whatever, and try and get in network status. That’s what the insurances can control. The second I get a medicaid, clear in Utah, I can start billing for Medicaid samples in Utah. So a lot of these out of network places are dealing with, Medicaid, Medicare.


01:10:08:26 – 01:10:31:27


But as far as the insurances go, it is, it’s a closed door. So there the in-network labs get paid infinitely more. The out of networks are way more flexible, creative, spontaneous, just trying to get business. And so but but then once you get your clear there’s other levels on top of that that are different accreditations to make labs better.


01:10:32:00 – 01:10:57:27


That really won’t matter to us. But but some of them are hands down better than others. Based on those accreditations. But yeah. Yeah like cap accreditation collar. Yeah exactly. Those those are the higher level of of standard for labs. And this is when you have different accreditations coming in and saying this is a cap approved. Approved lab is the highest level of labs can get.


01:10:57:29 – 01:11:21:19


Yeah. So it sounds like just because you’re you have a clear accreditation doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re like a full fledged laboratory. There’s it just means you. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Just means you can operate. Yeah. It just means that you can operate as a lab, whatever that lab is. And then Cap is the high standard in toxicology. If you’re Cap accredited like those laboratories will will push that and they’ll be like we’re a Cap accredited lab.


01:11:21:20 – 01:11:39:18


They’re super excited because they got it. It’s very it takes years. Sometimes is or a year like we scheduled to be Cap accredited. And they told us there’s there’s certain checklists that you have to do. Like you have to make sure the doors are locked. You have to make sure you have keys for those doors. You have to make sure that nobody you have you have security cameras in there.


01:11:39:18 – 01:11:59:07


You have to make sure that the method used is right. And like all these different checklist items that they have you to be accredited or to be, you know, being a working as a lab at the highest standard. And then they will send lab directors that they’ve contracted with from different labs to come you, talk to you and audit you.


01:11:59:10 – 01:12:27:10


And so if you’re going through a cap audit, it means that a lab director is coming over and going through literally like I think it’s like 700 bullet points of different things that you need a three day audit, a three day, eight hour audit. So right before an audit, the lab manager and the lab director will be impossible to get Ahold of because they’re just prepping for the audit to make sure that they’ve got every thing checked off the list.


01:12:27:12 – 01:12:44:21


And then during the audit, they won’t. And then after the audit, they’ll be relieved, and that’ll be a good time. Talk to typically. But they do audits every year to make sure that you’re staying at this standard. And then they are typically backed up like six months. So if I want to be accredited, I will schedule an audit.


01:12:44:21 – 01:13:06:15


But they won’t be able to come get to me for another 6 to 12 months. And so you can’t even, you know, it’s a slow process. Okay. And AB is that accrediting body that we were in front of in Oklahoma. You remember when I sent that booth picture? These are the people that do 95% of the crime lab accreditations.


01:13:06:17 – 01:13:38:00


But you don’t have to be a lab accredited. It’s just this is kind of the standard. You could be Cap accredited as a crime lab, and that would be accepted to in in court. Typically, as long as the judge understands how things work, which is hit or miss. All right. These are all really good things to know. Well, we’re going to do is we’re going to send we’re going to fill out our tests or we’re going to we’re going to sell our test to the labs for cash.


01:13:38:00 – 01:13:58:24


And then they will then use to test confirm the sample, and they will be able to bill out to insurance with this code that G0483, which with Medicare and Medicaid they will do. 284 they’ll pay 284 if you guys have ever been to a doctor and say, we don’t accept that insurance, it’s because they don’t have a contract with that insurance.


01:13:58:24 – 01:14:30:11


And they’ve seen that that insurance company will not pay them for services they provide. And so that’s why they say, no, I’m not you’re not in and you’re not in-network. I can’t accept you because if I do work on you, it’s very unlikely that I get paid for all the work that I do on. And so some labs just do Medicare Medicaid stuff to survive because they can’t afford to, you know, do all the lab testing and pay for all the equipment and supplies that it takes to lab test and and the lab tech and then not get paid?


01:14:30:14 – 01:14:49:10


Okay. All right. So real quick, just one more thing. Cut off level. Do you guys all understand the cutoff level and what that is? It’s like the smallest amount that you can detect. Yes. Yeah. So our cutoff levels I sent this over to the Missouri lab. She was super happy with how low we’ve been able to get our cutoff levels.


01:14:49:12 – 01:15:11:00


This is due to the mouth rinse easy solution. It helps us to be able to detect it a lot easier, with these machines. And it makes a sample a lot better. So like cutoff level of one Nanogram is crazy. That’s a tiny, tiny, tiny speck. Like I, you know, I don’t even know how to say it, but it’s just a tiny amount, a tiny trace.


01:15:11:00 – 01:15:32:24


That’s and that’s unheard of in urine. So a cutoff level is a lab level that says there has to be that much present in order for us to say positive. Yeah. So some some cutoff levels are five, some are 50, some are 50. In your because there’s so many other things that it could be one. There has to be that much present for the lab to say absolutely yes.


01:15:32:24 – 01:15:56:04


It’s past our cutoff is is now positive for us to say one that is I mean there’s a lot in fact precision right now, Nate, just you know, precision has dropped their cutoff levels in urine. So low to get business. They’ve gone below standards, national health standards because they want to get the business to say, look, we can catch benzos at a really low level.


01:15:56:06 – 01:16:15:06


Yeah. But it’s so low. It could be the noise of the machine. So you have all these other labs fighting over what cutoff levels are for us to say, here’s our cutoff level. And this is why that is completely new world in the lab industry, because everybody else is so scared because they’ve got all these recommendations from Sam and everything else.


01:16:15:06 – 01:16:38:03


Oh, urine has to stay in this world. We can say we’re going here because of the solution. Yeah. So it’s a clear definition in the lab world or a distinctive definition in the lab room. So those are I mean, those are the big things that I wanted to hit to make sure that you guys understand when you’re calling labs, you’re going to have a much better perspective.


01:16:38:05 – 01:16:58:20


When you call labs, ask for whoever’s in charge of sales or generating revenue. It could be one of the lab owners. They may not have a sales guy. A lot of times what owners of labs will typically have one owner is the sales person. The other owner knows the science or knows how to start up a lab, and the other owner is operations.


01:16:58:23 – 01:17:13:03


And and that’s, you know, and they’re like, hey, let’s start the lab together. Let’s build it. We know how to do it. I can do the sales. I’ll do this, I’ll do that. So if it’s a tiny lab, they may only have like 2 or 3 owners and a lab director, which they have to have. And some lab techs, and that’s it.


01:17:13:03 – 01:17:32:16


And the lab techs acts out, act as the lab manager and the assessor. But the bigger you get, the bigger these start to scale out. And then you have designated lab techs that are over toxicology over molecular, which is like respiratory or STIs or stuff like that. And you have all these different types of lab tests that are out there.


01:17:32:19 – 01:17:57:16


Okay, okay. Any any questions is calling on still. Yeah. And I have a couple questions. Awesome. I figured all right. So the first question I have is, you know, you talked about how the these labs are no longer going to be able to to bill on screening if they’re using easy saliva. How do we, how do we get them the, whatever they’re going to lose out on money for revenue for them.


01:17:57:16 – 01:18:15:10


How do we upsell that so that they’re making more money off? Easy saliva. All right, doctor Greg, is that a creative idea? That he’s seen before? And this is this is where it’s it’s constantly a battle. The labs are trying to get paid for everything, and the insurance never wants to pay, and so you kind of don’t.


01:18:15:10 – 01:18:34:25


I don’t feel for either one of them that much, except I do feel for more for the labs because they’re actually doing the work, and then they know if it what Verghese thought of doing is potentially putting a sticky note on the easy saliva to on the front and the back and telling the provider don’t result the screen.


01:18:34:28 – 01:19:00:11


Send it to the lab and we will result. The screen. And then if the lab results the screen, they can then bill for the screen, and then they’ll do the confirmation. And then the next day the bill for the confirmation. But nothing stops the the physician from peeking at what the screen says with the with the sticky note on it.


01:19:00:14 – 01:19:21:15


So that’s something that he has literally seen that we could do. If you’re telling the provider not to result it and they do it anyways, that’s not on you, that’s on the provider. But so that’s an option. There’s going to be no. Mike, do you have your thoughts. The other the other thing is what we say and what happens in the real world are two completely different things.


01:19:21:18 – 01:19:42:02


Exactly. And you got to remember too, everyone’s fighting over these codes. So doctors want to get paid for doing drug tests. So they’re basically saying, hey, when we do a drug test, we want a bill for the collection and we want a bill for the screen. They want a bill for all this stuff. They don’t get paid on this, even though they bill for it.


01:19:42:05 – 01:20:06:13


Okay. But what happens with the lab? Labs can actually bill for a screen and a confirm with the easiest lab or two has to be on two separate days. So you can’t do that for ten. That’s that’s the business side of the lab. They can do that. But what’s crazy though is doctors right now doctors want this. So the three different doctors that I’ve talked to about this, all of them one, but they also don’t want to pay for it.


01:20:06:16 – 01:20:27:29


Okay. They want the lab to pay for it. So what happens then is one of the things that we’re suggesting labs do is they buy it and they include this in their services. However, the lab, instead of running the analyzer, they can bill for what the easy saliva does. So in essence, instead of putting on an analyzer, they can just take the the easy saliva too.


01:20:27:29 – 01:20:51:20


When it gets to the lab, read the results bill for yep. Instead of running an analyzer. But it does still can run on a confirmation, so we wouldn’t necessarily need to put a sticky note on it. They we could just the instructions could be once you take the swab out of the person’s mouth and lock it into the device, immediately place it into a bag and send it off to the lab so that the lab can result in.


01:20:51:22 – 01:21:10:14


Nothing stops the doctor. No one’s going to stop the doctor from waiting a minute. Result looking at the results himself and then putting it into the bag. But if the instructions are that it does that, then the then the lab can bill for it, because that’s what they’re telling the doctor to do, and that’s their SOP. And so then they can bill for the screen.


01:21:10:14 – 01:21:32:27


And then the next day they bill for the confirmation because it’ll take him a day to do the confirmation. Anyways. But the lab won’t lose any revenue on this. They’ll be able to bill for the screen and the confirm. Okay. So the confirmation and so forth. So for like work work force, that’s still faster for workforce. Because you know, and they’re usually just doing urine anyways.


01:21:32:29 – 01:21:58:05


Right. Or is it, it’s the same amount of time now. Are you time for workplace. What do you work for workplace to do. Like, you know, random drug screenings, right. So workplace they’re going to send somebody out to a clinic to do a random drug screening, and or they’ll hire someone to come in and shut down their bathroom, and a third party will come in and get all the samples, and then they’ll take them back to a lab and then they’ll run them.


01:21:58:07 – 01:22:20:13


So we’re we’re so much better for workplace because we can do the saliva test on the spot in the worksite. And they get the I mean, I understand I totally understand that, but yeah, but for those companies that like so for instance Melaleuca getting ready for that one meal, they say, oh we like hiring the third party because we just don’t have to deal with it.


01:22:20:15 – 01:22:39:26


Then we could we could have our own person do it. We, we could hire someone to come in and do it and we just add that to the cost. All right. And then patient would hire a collector, which would be a 25 year old person. We do the 20 minute training and then they’re certified collector. And they can come in every time they need them.


01:22:39:28 – 01:22:59:03


And I can guarantee you it’s easier to hire an oral testing person than it is to hire a male and a female to go in and watch someone go to the bathroom. Sure. Yeah, it is a nightmare hiring collection people to do drug testing, and I, I believe that. So yeah, we can always have that as an option for companies.


01:22:59:08 – 01:23:17:00


The reason why they say that is because they just don’t want the liability. But we reduce the liability and everything that we do with both people signing off and making and the chain of custody and all that. But if they really want it, then they’re willing to pay for it. We’ll just add a little bit extra per test.


01:23:17:03 – 01:23:37:27


The other question I had is, is there any difference in approach in, in network and out of network labs like is it just you still just get the same person, like what are the are there pros and cons when it comes to like the the easiest saliva to for one of the other? I mean the biggest pro is just the network.


01:23:37:27 – 01:23:58:22


Lab knows that they’re going to get paid for sure on this and so there’s less risk for them. Whereas the out of network lab, there’s there’s more risk. But every out of network lab is struggling right now like Mike said. And so they want something like this to try and bolster their business and to get new revenue. So they’re going to be willing to try just as much.


01:23:58:24 – 01:24:21:09


I can literally see out of network labs going to their clients and saying, hey, you guys buy these because it’s everything you want, and we’ll still be your lab, but we’re bringing it to you. So we’re your lab. I mean, they’ll they’ll get creative in how they’re going to do it. But yeah, it yeah, it really boils down to in network get eight out of network has to fight for every penny okay okay.


01:24:21:11 – 01:24:43:27


But for us they they’ll fight for us. It doesn’t really matter. Yeah. We’re that’s we’re selling it to them for cash and then they get the reimbursement whatever they get. Okay. Sounds good. Those are my only questions. Good questions. And and even some of the things that we’ve been talking about, we we can still approach physician offices, rehabs or whatever else that want to buy them.


01:24:43:29 – 01:25:05:01


And then they’re going to ask us, which lab do they go to. Right. And then we send them to a lab. This validated with us. We let them choose which one they want to go to. So it behooves labs to get on board with us for the business. We can send them as well as a business. They can go out and get it because we’re going to we’re adding a new page on our website that will be for clinical.


01:25:05:01 – 01:25:25:27


And then when it talks about what labs used, we’ll have a list of the labs that are validated with our test. So they can choose from those, because obviously if they haven’t validated it on their LCMs, then they can’t run the test. And so only and so that’s where we’re going to be pushing all the labs in the country.


01:25:25:29 – 01:25:42:06


And we’re essentially going to be leveraging them and forcing them to all validate this. Because if they don’t, their business will be taken by a lab that does. Yeah. And it’s that snowball that rolls and rolls really faster and faster down the mountain. The more labs that do it, the more pressure is on the other labs that haven’t done it yet.


01:25:42:08 – 01:26:11:09


But if I come across the lab, like, for instance, I’m going to go see a lab today. I don’t know how big they are or if they have an LCMs machine set up, but if they say, oh, we want to, we want to get accredited through you guys, I just tell you and that’s it. Yeah. So the language would be validated, so accredited, with the accrediting bodies that basically certify you to be able to be a lab and certify you to, to be able to be used in court or bill insurance or whatever.


01:26:11:09 – 01:26:39:29


Like it helps with insurance if you’re Cap accredited because they know that you’ve gone through the wringer to be able to get high quality, get a high quality lab, and then validation is where they’re going to run samples through their LCMs machine using controls that have the drugs in them mixed in with our easy solution. And then they’re going to see if it if it shows positive on their LCMs, and if it shows positive where it should show positive.


01:26:40:02 – 01:26:56:29


And it’s more complicated than that, but that’s basically it. Then they will be able to adopt our method. And so they’ll typically typically it takes 3 to 4 runs on an LCMs to validate a method, because you’re going to tweak things and you want to make sure that it happens more than just one time. It wasn’t just a fluke.


01:26:57:01 – 01:27:14:04


And so you’ll repeat the process and repeat the process. And if it works every time, then you know that it works and you’re good. Okay. And how long does it take for the typical lab to get validated like that? You guys sign on. Yeah. So now, you know, it takes like 3 to 4 runs which are eight hours each.


01:27:14:04 – 01:27:32:11


So that’s think of 3 to 4 days for that. Most of the time they’re doing multiple runs and you, you stagger shifts with lab techs so that some lab techs come at six in the morning, and then others come at 6 p.m. at night, and they do the runs like that. But 3 or 4 days for the runs, there’s the prep work that happens, which is doesn’t take that much.


01:27:32:11 – 01:27:49:21


And then then there’s the resulting where you’re going to look at the results and make sure that everything turns out so it can if you if a lab is dedicated and says, we want to get this done as fast as possible, they could do it in a week. Sometimes they draw it out because they’ve got other business that they have to run through.


01:27:49:21 – 01:28:04:16


So they do one run of this, and then they do the run of their samples with their clients, and then they do another run of their so it could be 2 or 3 weeks, but it all depends on how fast they want to get it done. Yeah, yeah, that’s what I was guessing too. Like if a lab is busy then yeah like a month or something.


01:28:04:16 – 01:28:28:18


So. Yeah. Exactly. Okay. Mike, have you, contacted Medlock to find out where they’re at? Because they some. So. Yeah, they have, they have a staff meeting this coming Friday to go over the results of where they are. We’ll be in touch with them then go. Okay. So they started last week and looks like they’re going to be finalized by Friday to discuss the other thing that’s interesting.


01:28:28:18 – 01:28:49:23


Two guys remember lab lab salespeople go out every day selling the same thing that there’s yeah, there’s no differentiation for it. I mean, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to do rah rah speeches with labs and my guys. Come on. Here, you do it. You got it. When you go over, do one right. And they’re just like, it’s the same thing.


01:28:49:23 – 01:29:08:10


It’s, you know, they. But when you can turn around, I mean, I know of three different labs. They can identify fake urine. Like what I showed you on that presentation. So they go around like we can sell something different. And you just see it in their eyes, like we’re different. They’re all the same, you guys, and they hate their jobs.


01:29:08:12 – 01:29:28:26


And so, yeah, they have something new that actually can make a clinical difference. They it’s amazing how they want to go out and sell because it’s everything the client’s screaming for. When labs don’t want to jump on board with us, we’re going to take their clients. And so it’s literally one of the things don’t get beat down if they say, oh, we’re not ready for that.


01:29:29:03 – 01:29:49:07


We’re not. It’s like, all right, well, we’ll see you soon. I mean, it’s that’s how big of a difference this is. They will call. So they will have to even more to save their numbers. Yeah. I’ve been rejected more times than any of you guys already with this. But I know how good this is. And I know how great this is for labs and the people that are rejecting me.


01:29:49:07 – 01:30:10:20


I know that, you know, they’re making a mistake and we’re just going to eventually. You just have to keep doing it until people see it once. Once we give this to the lab techs and once the scientists start doing their studies every single time, they have been super impressed every time. And I don’t think every time it will happen that way.


01:30:10:20 – 01:30:33:12


But so far, with five different labs, they’ve all been surprised at how good the results are. And how good this magic liquid is, because we literally call it Verghese called it Magic Liquid. And now I’ve adopted that too, because I do agree it is magic because I’ve had my own lab director, doubt Doctor Gorgeous and doubt this liquid a ton.


01:30:33:15 – 01:30:56:29


And he said, no, there’s nothing new in toxicology. There’s been nothing new in toxicology. This is just a hoax. It doesn’t do what you say it does. They run the results and he said, run them again. They run the results again. And he was like, that doesn’t make sense. That’s too good, especially THC. That was the biggest thing that they were like how is THC that accurate?


01:30:56:29 – 01:31:15:24


It’s never that accurate. And saliva THC is the hardest thing to detect in saliva. How is that possible? And he became a believer and it was funny to see this 3030 year experience quest. He was one of the Quest Lab directors at quest, one of the biggest labs in the world. And he was super high up. And then he retired.


01:31:15:29 – 01:31:38:21


And then I brought him out of retirement to do this. And he was like, dumbfounded. And he’s just he was like, this doesn’t make sense. This is too good. And then we sent it to Western Slopes. And then they did their study and they were shocked because they’re like, this is better than the controls, like our control group that we’re using in our study to compare the samples to, is performing worse than the actual samples.


01:31:38:24 – 01:32:01:21


That’s not supposed to happen. And so then they used our own samples as control groups against our own samples because it was too good. So this stuff is amazing. I want you guys to believe in it, because you will meet a bunch of skepticism from the from the scientists, because that’s how they are. But then once they become believers, or once they see it, they will become believers in they’re going to love this.


01:32:01:21 – 01:32:23:22


So all right, I feel like that was a pretty good intro to labs. You guys should be armed now to start talking to them. Make sure that you’re going after whoever is looking to generate more revenue. And now those are the people that are going to see this. And when you tell them they can make more money and get more clients than they’ve ever had before on top of rehabs, they can also sell the law enforcement.


01:32:23:24 – 01:32:45:10


They’re going to they’re going to push everybody to get this done. So, Nathan, I have a question because I mean, right now we train collectors, we don’t train salespeople. So how will those lab people be trained to. So that’s what we’ll do. We’re going to train them. If you get a lab, it’s your client. You are you are taking care of them.


01:32:45:10 – 01:33:05:25


So Mike is taking care of Medlock. He’s going to be he’s going to probably travel to Mid Lake to go visit with them and train their salespeople. And same thing with American talks. Good. So then Mike can build a slide deck for that and to help build them, train those salespeople. Yeah, well we’ve already got some stuff made up, but yeah, exactly.


01:33:05:28 – 01:33:25:29


We’ll just we’ll train them. So training will train his people, his labs. And that’s what you’re going to do. And we’ll help you through the whole process. But they’re going to be on it. These labs last thing these labs are going to be doing, not just 30 tests or 25 tests a month. They’re going to be doing thousands a month if you get them all over.


01:33:25:29 – 01:33:44:19


And so they are going to you’re going to want to spend all your time with them, and you’re going to want to make sure that they have everything that they need and that you built them up, but then they will run by themselves or their own companies. So you just make sure they’ve got what they need and let them loose.


01:33:44:21 – 01:34:05:10


Mike, did you want to add something? No. I mean, like I said, we’re here to just make sure you pass the quiz at the end of this. When we email it to you. And, but no, honestly, don’t don’t expect to remember all of this. That’s that’s why we’re here to help out as well. So. All right, Dave, we’ll see you guys next around.


01:34:05:10 – 01:34:13:10


Thank you so much. Thank you.

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